Chapter 16 : Let Me Just - Nagihiko

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It's 9:30? Maybe I should go see her off.

"How's the morning exercising going?" I snap my head to see my manager. His name is Jeremy Yuka. Very professional.

"Good." I smile. It's too late anyways. She's probably already on the plane.


Kiichirou looked at his watch. Departure would be soon. Back to Nagi-free Seiyo. A place where he could make Rima fall in love with him. And show off to Nagihiko. (Like that could happen)

"Did you like England?" He turns his head to face Rima, but she was thinking really hard. "Rima?"

"Huh? Oh. It was... Lovely. Thank you." Her words were choppy and not very real. Besides she was now back to thinking.

"Watcha thinking about?" Again no response. Guess he would have to give up this round. 


My footsteps could not be more prepped. I have a chance, right? "Nagi!" I hear... And ignore. Because it was the sound of that annoying girl's voice. 


"Are you positive?" Her lips were unsure, and formed a frown.

"I'm sure." Kiichirou smiled. Everything was falling accordingly.  "It's time to go." He stood up. "Take my hand."

She looked up. "K." Her hand reached out, and some how it fit in his.

Everyone walked to the gate. Sooner than letter they would be back in Seiyo. "Sei-yo." Rima muttered. A place where Nagi did not roam... Anymore. 


I wonder if...


Footsteps were hitting the ground hard. But the friends didn't care to look back. Then the noise stopped. It didn't continue.

Standing alone, Nagi watched. Hand in hand, Rima and Kiichirou. She was smiling, giggling, happy. Happy to be in the hands of Kiichirou. Happy to be on the hands of someone that was not him. 

Amu turned her head. She had a feeling that she needed to. "Nagi..." Her eyes saw Nagi and for some reason..... He was walking away.

I'll Wait Hurting - A Rimahiko FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now