Chapter 18: Heir

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"Ne Nagi." Five-year old Rima poked him.

"Yeah Rima?" He poked her back.

"Do boys like girls? Or do girls like boys?"

"Ummmm, I like you."


"You don't like me?"

"As a friend." She muttered.

He smiled stupidly. "Me too!"

Kiichirou's POV:

   It's horrible really. When I remember my past, it's only so dark. My parents pressured me to be better than Nagihiko. I learned never to speak back to my parents. I've always wanted to ask why he was better than me. What he had more than me. Why I had to have longer classes or why I was pushed harder than him. 

   I figured it out myself eventually. It hit me when I once asked him a small question I could never ask my parents.

"Nagihiko." I was eight.

"Yes Kiichirou?"  He was eight.

"What do you have that I don't?" 

He pondered. "I have nothing, and you have something."

   I was confused. He made no sense and till this day I have no idea what he meant by that. "Baka." He looked at me.

"You have something I don't. And I know you know that. Don't play dumb." He watched me with no amusement. In fact anger built up inside him that was visible through his golden eyes. I have no idea why though, I don't remember stepping out of line. He was angry because of something I said. But he cooled down quickly. He knew something I didn't.

"What is so wrong if I have something you don't?"

"Because I have to be better."


"I don't know, I don't care! Tell me!" A cold draft passed.

"Young master Nagihiko!" Called Baya.

And he responded. "Heir."

Baya and I looked at him. But he gave me a deep look that hit me at my core. "I am referred to as Heir Nagihiko." That was when I knew, I would forever place second, if he was number one.


Normal POV:

   Nagi's footsteps touched Seiyo's grass once again. It was July 1st. He would be performing in 3 days. but while he had time, maybe he would stop by and visit his family, and... Rima. His suitcase traveled behind him.

"Mashiro's, Mashiro's, Mashiro's... Mashiro's!" He stopped in front of her house.

The house was still the same. It's been a while. He walked to the door bell and rang, patient for her to run down.

"Who is it?" The voice was hers.

Nagi chuckled. "Guess."

   The door stayed closed. BANG! Nagi opened the door for her when her heard the lock twist. "RIma!" he hugged Ri- a big teddy bear? Rima hid behind it. She didn't want to see Nagi. She was scared. He let go of the teddy.

She moved her arms around the bears' She lifted its' arm. "H-Hi." She waved it. Nagi stared dumbfounded. "Huh?"

"I am... Uhh... RiNa the teddy bear!"

Nagi laughed. "Well RiNa." And he stepped forward. Her heart started pounding. She soon felt his arms around the teddy bear, around her.

"I miss hugging you." he started. "Rima."

She blushed. "Me too."

"Soooo.... Let's go get snacks."

Rima jumped. "W-wait! I have to get dressed!" She let go of the teddy bear and tried to run away. Nagi's hand held her wrist and pulled her into his chest. She felt warm and could smell him. She felt his chest beat. It was fast too. His shirt was soft and welcoming. His big arms swooped by her. She took in every moment, even if she couldn't understand her own thoughts.

He pat her hair and smiled to himself. She was still short and still Rima. "I'll wait here, take your time." He whispered in her ear softly. She felt his grip loosen. She hurried up to her room and screamed into her pillow. He's back... Nagihiko.

I'll Wait Hurting - A Rimahiko Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن