Suzannah turned holding the tea pot " Oh don't worry John , best thing that's happened as far as he is concerned . He's been looking for an excuse for years to clear off , maybe me too to be honest . First thing he has done is fly out to Florida , I've held him back "

" Oh " I replied " I didn't mean to pry "

" That's ok John , How's your wife by the way , you haven't mentioned her in a while "

I turned and looked out of the window licking some salt which had got on my fingers from the cellar

" She is about the same , as soon as they can find the cause , they reckon they can find a cure " I know this wasn't the truth , but what could I say . The truth was I had no idea.

" I hope so " Suzannah walked around to where I was stood squeezing my arm " They will John , they will"

We both looked out of the window

" This is a beautiful place John, your wife must love it here "

" She does " I answered " she does"

Suzannah poured me a cup of tea and walked back over to the window, placing it in front of me  

" Look John I've never asked , what do you do for a living , you must be doing something right looking at all this "

" By trade I'm an architecht in the family business , but I wrote a book you may have read it , doesn't matter if you haven't called 'The Rosemary Tree' the public went mad for it, it's sold tens of thousands . Well I got a three book deal and am meant to be writing book two "

" Must confess I haven't" Suzannah replied , but I will , I only ever got to look at reference books for years "

I laughed " This was meant to be our retreat, someplace I could have peace and write some more , some bloody peace , I should write about all this saga we are involved in , but no bugger would believe it .....not even sure if I do "

Suzannah smiled " Oh John nearly forgot " She reached for her bag " I found your mobile phone on the way in by the gates , you must have dropped it "She handed me an identical Blackberry to the one Krey had given me to use , the one that I had just tried to use only minutes earlier .

The phone rang as she handed it to me pressing the green button and placing it to my ear

'You have two new messages

message received today at 2.07pm

as I listened a shiver ran down my back

It was my message to Krey

This was Kreys phone

I listened further

message received today at 9.01am

Krey this is Mancini , I need some news soon , we gotta briefing with the Chiefs , either get this thing found or get rid of Tutbury . We got two more flying in today one from Phelps one from Inland . Get your ass in gear .

The phone clicked off

" Everything ok John" Suzannah asked , the voice seemed to drift over me

I shook myself " Yes , Yes thanks , just my publishers giving me some grief"

Suzannah gave me a look of now tell me the truth turning to walk back into the study

I followed her in my head spinning with the realisation that Krey wasn't on my side . In fact who was on who's side . I had no idea any more . I sat back on the sofa , shuffling aimlessly the file of papers ...The realisation that I could be eliminated , killed off was terrifying me

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