Let's All Just Be Sheldon Cooper

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“Wow, this is truly beautiful,” I said while examining the bright green moss stretching around the log.

“You need to come to Oregon more often. This is everywhere. That’s why I love Oregon so much. It’s so peaceful and gorgeous,”

“I’ll make sure to do that if I ever make it out of this whole situation,”

“This situation. That just sound soo… I don’t know like we’re avoiding what’s really happening,”

“We don’t even know what’s going on. I mean for all we know the rest of the world could be dead,” As I said that, Haley’s eyes turned darker and I immediately knew she was upset. She looked away staring deep into the forest. I put my arm around her for comfort. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it,” She told me but her hand still went up to wipe her eyes. I turned her chin towards me and our blue eyes met.

“Look you can tell me anything. I’m here for you. We have to be here for each other in these times,” She didn’t answer but just fell into my lap. The sudden movement took me by surprise and my arms were frozen in the air. They glided down till they rested on her body. She just lay there motionless but I could tell by the little sniffles coming from her nose she was resisting to cry. My finger drew circles on her back just like my mom would whenever I was sad. I remember when a girl I liked wouldn’t date me and after many days of liking her, I just broke down. Most people would offer compliments to try and cheer up someone but my mom didn’t. She just sat there tracing shapes along my back. There was no sound, just the stillness of the air. Every time she would do that, my mind would just forget what I was upset over and soon I would be asleep. It was one of my favorite things about her. The way I just felt so safe and calm in her arms. I looked down at Haley and could tell she had calmed down just the way I always did.

“What the fuck is going!” Erupted a familiar voice behind us. Haley shot up to see who was talking but we both already knew.

“Nothing,” Haley said nonchalantly while I stood quietly to the side.

“It didn’t look like nothing,” Harry’s nostrils flared.

“Harry calm down. You’re just upset about Louis. You don’t need to take it out on us,” Haley attempted to comfort him. Her tone of voice was like a blanket, tea and every season of “Friends” that someone needs when they are upset.

“I’m not sad about Louis. I’m angry about the girl I had first is cuddling with my friend!” Harry’s anger changed direction towards me. I took a step forward in defense.

“You had me? No one had me. I don’t like either one of you. All I wanted was a couple of friends!” Haley stepped in between us causing a barrier.

“And all I want is you,” Harry replied.

“Well maybe you should wait till we know if we are even going to survive this mess. Why are you making things more complicated then they already are?” Haley told him.

“Because I can’t help what my heart wants,” Harry looked straight at Haley as their eyes locked.

“Oh shut up with that cheesy nonsense,” Haley replied angrily but the anger was nowhere to be seen on her face. The emotion on her face was happiness quite the opposite of the tone of her voice. The chemistry between her and Harry was so palpable that I took a step back because I felt like I was intruding. Their eyes stayed glued to each other as if they were communicating telepathically. Suddenly I saw Harry leaning forward his lips extended. I closed my eyes feeling awkward that I was going to see their first kiss. Instead of a two lips colliding, I heard a shout, “I said not right now!” Haley reminded Harry and stormed off into the woods.

“What did you do?” Harry accusingly looked at me.

“I didn’t do anything. All those emotions come from her, not me,”

“Dude I like her so just back off please, will ya?” Harry requested. I waited for myself to respond that I liked her too and she could choose who she wants but those words just didn’t come instead I nodded in agreement. Why did I just do that? I liked her didn’t I? I had never actually admitted to myself that I liked her, it had all been Harry just accusing me of liking her. Truly thinking about it, I realized the only emotions I had for her were friendly ones. I didn’t have any urge to kiss her and go on dates with her. I just wanted to talk with her and that’s it. She was gorgeous, nice and funny yet I didn’t have feeling for her. What the hell was wrong with me? Maybe I’m gay or something. Nah, I like boobs, officially not gay. Satisfied that I learned my sexual orientation, I glanced up and realized I was alone. I called out Harry and Haley’s name but got no response. I walked around in a circle but had no idea where I had come from. I guess I’ll just wait till someone finds me. I patted my pocket relieved to know I still know I had my gun and was safe from surprise attacks well if I could figure out how to use that killing machine. I sat down in the mix of grass and leaves exhausted from the day that had only just begun. Emotions just make everything so much more complicated. We should all just be Sheldon Cooper.

(A/N) In honor of the boys' 3 year anniversary, I am back to posting! This chapter took me forever to write, which means it's probably super boring. I'm really sorry if you found it boring, I'm trying to get more things in the story besides zombie troubles. If you have any suggestions on how to make the best story ever to accompany the best song ever, feel free to give them to me. I owe all of you guys times a million for staying with me. Also is any one going to the Seattle concert this weekend cause I'll be there! If you are let me know cause it would be cool to see a reader in real life. If you guys are going to the concert, I want to try and get my story to the boys so message me if you want to help me with that! Twitter: @dinazaslavsky Insta: @dinazaslavsky and @thebest5brothers Kik: @dinazaslavsky    Comment and vote please! I love you all xx

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