Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

There was a brief moment of stunned silence, the ringing sound of my soft palm connecting hard against Rixton's cheek, already spreading to leave a tomato red mark on the left side of his face.

Rixton looked surprised, his black gaze widening slightly, his jaw parting, and he looked as shocked as he had from when I had finished my speech.

Luckily, I was literally saved by the bell as the sharp rings poured into the cafeteria.

I scrambled to collect myself and quickly fled, reacting on quick instinct and getting the Hades out of there.

My heart was pounding in my chest, and my breathing came out ragged. I kept glancing cautiously over my shoulder, afraid that Rixton might follow me and seek revenge.

But a part of me knew he wasn't coming after me.

It hurt, just a little. Okay, not a little. The things he said hurt a lot. Each word he spoke sent a piercing pain through my heart, as if my whole essence would shatter just by a few words.

I looked at my schedule again, and the image of Rixton flinching away from it filled my mind. How could I miss him so much already? My heart ached with each passing moment, knowing he was still most likely furious at me.

I felt tears welling in my eyes but I wiped them roughly away. I wouldn't let him get to me.

I peeked at my locker number and combination; 2211 was my locker, and 6498 was the combination.

I walked towards my locker, trying not to freak out, and thought if I would make any friends.

Of course not! As a first impression you probably slapped the most popular person in the whole school. Way to go, genius!

Well, sorr-y! He was getting on my nerves!


I choked down my fear and continued walking towards my locker, dodging past other students, smiling and laughing as they met up with old friends.

I felt a pang grip my chest when I saw a couple, with people I didn't even know, smile and hug each other tightly.

I felt a burning spread through my chest. Was I jealous?

Yes, you are.

But why?!

You want a relationship like theirs, but it's not happening.

But with who?! I don't even like anyone!

With Rixton, darling. You'll see eventually.

Ugh, I'm going crazy.

You already are.

I finally found my locker, tucked away towards the end of the line, and thankfully no smooching or reuniting couples were around as I unlocked my locker in peace.

It was a bottom locker, but I didn't have a problem with that. I was short enough to avoid getting hit in the head if the locker above me opened.

I unzipped my backpack, taking out my essential tools and a Percy Jackson book before stuffing it into my locker and keeping my purse on, slamming the door shut in the process before clicking the lock back into place.

I stood up, dusting off my pants, and inhaled sharply before spinning around on my heel and heading on my way to Mr. Geo's class.
I at last rushed into the Study Hall class, barely a second away from being late. Turns out, Mr. Geo's classroom was all the way upstairs. Yay for me.

I was panting as I looked around the classroom, pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose and brushing a strand of blonde hair from my eyes.

"Ah. And you must be Ms. Allo?" Mr. Geo, a short man with dark brown hair and eyes, perfected with round glasses, asked me, arching his eyebrows in question.

"Yes," I told him, nodding. "Sorry about being almost late. I got lost. I didn't know the room was upstairs," I explained, shifting my feet nervously. Mr. Geo only waved a hand carelessly. "Nonsense, your fine. Please, take a seat. Announcements will be starting soon."

I spotted Rixton, alone as usual, towards the very back of the class. Not one person sat near him, and it made my heart ache painfully seeing the bright red, fading into a light purple bruise, on his left cheek. It made me sad. So, so, sad.

I lowered my head. No way was I going to sit down beside him, not after our fight. I didn't want to witness the horrible red splotch I myself had put on his cheek. It hurt like being thrown into Tartarus, hit with a Crucio, or run through with Riptide.

I dragged myself to the front of the room and sat down heavily, and I prayed that I didn't look like a kicked puppy. That would be embarrassing.

I spread my things out across my desk, and luckily, there was no person sitting beside me, although a girl two desks down kept glancing at me, as if I was a strange specimen in a science lab.

I grabbed my notebook and began drawing, letting my thoughts take over and bleed out onto the paper.

I didn't even have a concious of what I was creating until I began making out what it was; two dark eyes, staring back at me, and I felt my brain taking over, shading in the eyes with force, coloring them over and over to the color of jet black.

I stiffened, slowly leaning back in my chair, my face going pale when I saw what-- no, scratch that-- who I was drawing.

Staring back at me were Rixton's eyes, dark and gloomy, but his all the same.

I had drawn Rixton's eyes....

You are so whipped.


(A/N: I loved this chapter! :D

Our dear Ari is finally coming to her senses!

Ariana: *flushes red* Shh!

Me: Haha, don't worry, almost everyone knows your head over heels in loveeeee with--

Ariana: COOKIES! In love with cookies.

Rixton: -.- I'm surrounded by idiot fangirls.

Ariana: Hey!

Me: Yes, yes you are.

Ariana: -_-

Continuing on!!!


*chews on nails anxiously*


But all great things must come to an end....

*the sound of my heart breaking echoes in the distance*

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Thanks everyone, for almost 700 reads and the best Readers anyone could ever ask for.)

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