Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

When I had finished with my highly honorable speech, Rixton just kept staring at me...

Nonstop. Like, he didn't even blink.

And, I swear, it's been three whole minutes.

It's starting to creep me out.

"Um... Rixton?" I asked, waving my hand slowly in front of his eyes. "You okay?"

Rixton slowly blinked and then parted his mouth slightly, as if trying to speak, then closed it, seeming to change his mind.

I remained silent, and I could feel my heart hammering in my chest.

Thud, thud, thump, thump.

I waited for his reaction anxiously, and finally Rixton leaned back... away from me, like I was some disease.

"Your crazy!" he snapped, and I only then realized he was wearing a small, thin black backpack over one shoulder. He tightened it closer to him and stood up abruptly, glaring at me. "Just stay out of my way!" he spat, and I saw the same mousy-haired girl from over glance at us fearfully, but I ignored her.

"I can't stay away from you!" I protested. Okay, creepy... but I couldn't let Rixton slip away from me, just like that! I needed, I craved, to become his friend. Something kept telling me, nagging at my conscience like a bothersome fly, that Rixton was a boy I wanted to get to know.

"What are you?! Some stalker?! Just leave me alone! I don't want a freaking girlfriend who thinks she can get popular off of me! So just get away!"

I stood up too this time, and my anger over placed my hurt at his words.

"You think I'm a golddigger?! And that I want to 'feed off your popularity'?! And who says I wanted to be your girlfriend?!" I yelled at him. Some people, though only three, were brave enough to stare at us as we argued, but Rixton quickly forced them to look away with his famous death glare before he turned back to me.

"You obviously like me! Why else are you so clingy? And besides, nobody ever wants to become my friend, not unless something is in it for them!" Rixton snapped, his oblivion black gaze the color of obsidian.

I glared at him. "I do not like you! Can't I at least try to make a friend who happens to be male at a new school?! And the only thing in it for me is someone who I can call my friend!" I yelled at him, the words spilling out like they had an accord of their own.

You say you don't like him...

Nobody asked for your opinion!

Fine, jeez!

"Whatever! You must be more desperate and lonely than I thought!" Rixton growled at me, and I just glared at him, my anger boiling up, threatening to spill over.

"Actually, that's you! I can already see how cruel you treat people! What are you trying to live up to?! A reputation? Because it's not making you look tough, it's making you pathetic! You can't even attempt to make a friend without insulting me! I want to understand! Can't you just get that through your thick skull?!" I screamed, my hands clenching into small fists at my sides.

"I honestly don't care about your opinion! So just get away!" Rixton yelled, his calm and cold demeanor snapping, his rage seeping through.

I let my own take control.

"No! After my humongous speech, do you honestly think I'm going to make waiting at my bus stop awkward every day, or have us remain silent walking by in hallways or in classes?! I want to be friends, godsdamit!" I yelled back at him, not caring about my Percy Jackson reference slipping out from it's own free will and habit.

"Ugh, just leave me alone! Other people do! What's the difference? Maybe I should punch some sense into you, too, and see if it'll help!" Rixton screamed, and for a brief moment, his black eyes went wild, like a caged animal, as if thousands of hidden secrets and feelings were trapped within him, and then they flickered back to a blazing black color.

And that sent a small prickle of fear through me. That savage, untamed look. It was almost... insane.

But that only encouraged me to help him, to try and figure him out, help him. It was a strange urge; I mean, I'm not his mother. I literally just met him two days ago.

But I still felt drawn to him, like I was connected to him somehow...

Way to sound weird.

I know...

Glad to see we agree on something, finally.


I saw Rixton waiting for my reaction, and now almost everyone was staring as his chest heaved as if he had just ran a mile, his pale hands, like mine, clenched into tight fists.

I swallowed, calming my nerves, and then finally brought myself to say, "You wouldn't do that."

Rixton narrowed his eyes at me. "Oh, yeah?" he said, his voice at a dangerously low tone. "Because I've done it before."

For a moment, I was shocked, but then I remained calm and fixed my gaze onto his, staring into his dark eyes.

"I don't care," I said firmly. "Everyone deserves a second chance."

Rixton laughed, but instead of filling me with warmth, it filled me with dread. His tone was cold and dark, and some people around us actually flinched.


Rixton glared at me then and said softly, "You really are a fool, Allo. I don't have friends. I don't need them, so just leave me alone."

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat. Something about him drove me insane-- I couldn't let him walk away! I couldn't.

So I looked up at him and said firmly, "Maybe I am a fool. But everyone needs friends. And I'm not giving up just because you want to scare me."

Rixton glared at me and then finally spat, "Look, if I did want a friend, it wouldn't be with you, a bookworm freak with glasses too big for her face!"

This one hurt the most. It's the one all my old school bullies used to say; 'bookworm loser', and 'four-eyed freak'.

And coming from Rixton... this made my heart plummet, and tears threaten to form in my eyes, but I forced them down and instead relied on my anger and sadness to take over.

I slapped Rixton. In. The. Face.

(A/N: Hehe.... I'm so evil ;)

Guys, I was planning on being amazing and updating like, honestly, 6 chapters today, but, of course, my Mom just told me I have to go to my cousins' and spend the night there and then tomorrow go with them to my Grandma's.


And today I have to leave at 4, and it's 12:38 right now. I'm pulling my hair out (almost!) right now. I'm praying something will come up so the time can be pushed back, but...
I don't know :(


So, Readers, I hope you all savored this chapter. I know I did.

And as always, don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE, and FOLLOW ME.


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