Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I nearly slipped down the stairs in my haste to get out of the house.


Well, because my mom would just not shut up about school. If I had all my supplies (also known as just plain junk), books (the very essence of the world! Well, the good books), notebooks (annoying note-taking notebooks, ugh, or fun drawing notebooks), pencils (a girl named Ariana Allo's best friend!), and other random stuff like that.

"Are you sure you don't want breakfast? Not even a piece of toast? I have some eggs made for you," my mom fretted, shoving a shiny glass plate (my mom polishes them... weird, I know), filled to the brim with yellow scrambled eggs.

I stifled my impatience and instead sighed deeply, glancing at my mom. "No, Mom. I'm fine, really," I assured her.

"But... but..." my mom scrambled for words and I shook my head at her before saying with forced cheerfulness, "Well, I better get to Azkaban! Oh, no, uh, that's school. Whoops, they're just so alike I can't tell them apart." I tapped my chin, as if thinking, before shrugging and then smiling at my mom, who looked baffled. You'd think after endearing almost several years of her fangirling daughter, she'd get all the references. But, alas, no.

"You'll be amazing, sweetie. You'll make plenty of new friends and meet new people. Doesn't that sound exciting?" my mom rambled, smiling at me.

I shrugged, heading towards the front door. "Yeah, I guess," I muttered, then said quietly, "Not."

"Did you say something, dear?"


"Oh, okay."

I halted in front of the door, my hand hovering dramatically over the knob.

"I'm leaving you," I said slowly. "Into the abyss of despair and darkness known as school. How does that make you feel?"

My mom heaved a heavy sigh. "Darling, just get to school. You'll be fine."

I let out a loud groan of protest before waving halfheartedly at my dad, who sat silently at our round oak wood kitchen table, reading the local newspaper and sipping his plain black coffee.

He's weird, that one.

My dad glanced up and smiled at me. "Go get 'em, Ari. You'll be like... um.. who was it? Ah, yes, you'll be that girl with the brown hair in Harry Potter! Didn't she say she, uh, hurt her knee or something? And her name was Har-mi-nee. I don't know... strange names, those books have..." my dad said, getting lost in his own mystical train of thought.

I sighed. "It's Hermione, Dad, not 'I hurt my knee' or 'Har-mi-nee.' Where did you even get those from?" I said, scowling.

My dad shrugged. "I don't really pay attention to the movies," he says nonchalantly, and I gasped. Who could not be on the edge of their seat while watching Harry Potter?!

"Enough chitchat! You'll miss the bus and be late!" my mom shrieked, and my dad winced. I mirrored his movements.

"I love you!" my mom exclaimed, throwing her arms around me. She was skinny, but her arms... Merlin, she had gorilla strength. Honestly...

"I love you too," I choked out, patting my mom's back awkwardly. I'm not dying... well, I will if she doesn't let go of me...

Thankfully, my mom released me and violently pushed me towards the door, causing me to stumble.

"Go show them a brilliant girl!" my mom screeched, smiling widely.

"Um...." I coughed and said awkwardly, "Okay."

My mom waved me away frantically, and I slowly backed away, mouthing to my dad, 'Good luck,' before swinging the door open and leaping outside onto the porch.
"I'm not a payphone, trying to call home all of my change I spent on you!" I shrieked as I stood alone, my earbuds in my ears and blaring, as I stood three houses down from my house, by one of the tall oak trees, as my parents had instructed me to do.

I tapped my foot on the ground to the beat, swinging my head around to the lyrics.

"One more stupid love song I'll be sick, 'cause I could still be holding you like this, and all those fairytales are full of it--"

I paused from my singing, suddenly aware I was screeching at the top of my lungs in front of a person's house, who didn't know me.


I instead hummed and pushed my glasses up onto my nose.

I sighed when the song ended and changed it. 

I was humming to The Only Exception by Paramore. "When I was younger I saw my daddy cry, and curse at the wind," I spun around dramatically, "And my momma swore that she'd never, ever let herself again." I spun back around.

"And that was the day that I promised, I'd never sing of love, for it does not exist."

I leaped into the air, my backpack flying out behind me, and sang (quieter this time), "But darling, you are the only exception."

I pranced around in my favorite purple-and-black Converse, singing softly and probably looking like an idiot.

I do that when I'm nervous.. it's weird, but what I do, okay? Don't judge me!

I was about to start singing my lungs off again (quietly... I think), when I heard slow footsteps approach me and a heavy groan.

"Really? You? The phsyco?"

I halted in my dancing (which was awesome, by the way), and slowly turned around.

"Hey, Rixton!"

(A/N: Mwuahahaha.... poor Rixton. He just can't get a break, can he?

Ariana: Nope :P

Rixton: Help me...

Me: Haha, nope!


I'll stop being insane (hehe like that'll ever happen) and start being a writer. Well, I already kind of am, but I'll start writing the next chapter.

Life is so complicated :3


I'm just hyper today.

And no, I didn't get into the stash of brownies my Mom and sister made again...

Again? Oh, yeah, I never told you of the first time...

Haha, well changing the subject quickly....

Keep reading or patiently wait for updates!

Like always, (always!!!) VOTE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW ME.

I'd appreciate it ;)


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