"So," I said, quickly getting over my embarrassment. "What do you do for a living?"

He looked almost surprised by my sudden question. "Oh, um . . . I'm a rapper. Underground."

Oh, right, I think he told me that before. "That's amazing. I'd love to hear you rap sometime, I bet you're really good."

He shrugged, his pale cheeks slightly tinged pink. "I'm not all that great, there's a lot I need to improve on."

"I bet you're just being modest," I teased. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Well, you'll have to come over again sometime so I can show you," he said. Then his expression dimmed. "Why did you leave so early?"

"What?" I asked, confused. He just looked at me. Oh. "Um, I really just wanted to go home. And I'm really awkward with people, and I intruded in your home, and -,"

"It's okay, Hyorin," he said. "I was just curious."

I sighed. "I left you a note, didn't I?"

He shrugged. "Probably."

After we finished our food, we went back to his apartment since neither of us had anything better to do. When we arrived, I made my way over to his couch and plopped down on it comfortably. Yoongi snorted before sitting next to me.

"Making yourself at home, hmm?"

I grinned at him. "Well, considering this couch was once my bed, I think I've staked my claim here."

He rolled his eyes at me again for the millionth time that day. At one point, he turned the TV on and we sat there for a few hours, passing the time in comfortable silence. It amazed me how at ease I felt around him, even though we'd practically only known each other for three days.

I spent the rest of the day at his apartment, lounging around on his couch while he did whatever he needed to do. At one point, I decided to voice my thoughts aloud.

"Yoongi, I think I need to get an apartment."

"Huh?" he said, looking at me from over the top of his laptop.

"An apartment. I think I need one." I repeated. He frowned.

"How much money did you bring with you?" he asked. "Typically runaways don't exactly have money to blow on an apartment."

I shrugged. "My parents are pretty loaded. They treat me well. But I think I need to get a job."

He looked perplexed. "Well, as far as apartment hunting goes, I don't think I'm the best person to ask. But the café we were at earlier is hiring."

I pondered that for a moment. I'd never worked a day in my life, and I honestly never thought I would have to. But the thought of working and actually making something of my life was an exciting prospect. "I think that would be good to try."

"Really?" he asked, as if shocked that I'd taken his suggestion seriously. "No offense, but you don't exactly seem like the waitress type."

"Well, I've never worked, like, ever. So you're probably right, but I've got to start somewhere, right?" I said. He shut his laptop and set it down on the coffee table next to him.

"If you're serious, I can walk you down there tomorrow."

"Awesome, thanks," I said with a smile that he returned.

The next day, Yoongi was at my apartment at ten. We walked to the café and when we got there, Yoongi ordered food and left me to find out what I was doing on my own.

Save Me [complete] | min yoongiWhere stories live. Discover now