" No ....we can both say that " I agreed " Look stay here , till you get fixed up , I've got eight bedrooms and I'm rattling around a bit at the moment "

" Well thank you , if you're sure " Suzannah replied

" Yes of course , look we can pick your stuff up later , you don't want to be staying in a bloody guest house anyway "

She smiled " Thanks John that would be great

We walked together into the study " Have you got any more ideas" Suzannah asked as we entered

" Not many " I said , " but I'm pretty sure that if he did find the Star the clues in five Acres "

Suzannah looked at the files then looked at me me " John , have we a picture of , or have we got any idea of what this Star thing looks like "

" Yes " but only a drawing I replied " Sketched by one of Gideon's lot"

Suzannah laughed so we are looking for something that no one has seen for maybe 800 years , no one really knows what it looks like and to be honest no one really knows that it exists ..." she paused raising her coffee cup " Good luck to us "

I rummaged through the files , " Here Here " I exclaimed excitedly placing a picture of the star on the table

Suzannah  picked up the picture " Oh , I nearly forgot , just remembered I found your mobile on the courtyard by the gates , you must have dropped it , it's in my bag in the hallway "

" Oh ok , I had no idea , thanks " perhaps I had dropped it

We both looked at the drawing of the star

" You know Suzannah, I've seen this image someplace else ....in this village "

" Where , come on John think "

" In this village I think " Then grabbing Suzannah by the arm " Fucking hell ..so sorry ....yes of course...I know I bloody Know , I know , I will show you "

Locking the door behind us we ran to the car

In seconds we were at the church and walking through the newer graveyard .

" This way " I said

Suzannah struggled through the undergrowth " I haven't been here in thirty years " she said panting a little

I reached out my hand , " Come on Suzannah "

We pushed the creaking gate open and walked into the old graveyard , walking gingerly over the run down area .

" Through here " I pointed in front of me

Suzannah stepped over the hugging sweeping oak branches , climbing over the stump of the other oak which had been cut down .

We found ourselves at Tutbury's tomb

I held her by the hand helping her over the fallen stones

" Look Look Look Suzannah here "  I pointed at the six point star carved into the tomb " That's it it's been staring at us all along , he did know about it ..for fucks sake he knew about it "

" John " Suzanna rubbed her hand along the carved star " But it's different , the star we are looking for has a star within a star .....this has a 7 in the middle "

" It does , you're right " I felt massively deflated

" Suzannah , why did he he change it , whats the seven mean " We looked at each other

" I don't know John " but I think we have found the hook . Don't forget they buried him , thought he'd got the plague and that he was the devil .No one would ever come near here ...look around you it's like hell "

I pointed upwards " Look there " pointing at the upside down crescent moon " What's all that about "

" You know John , I don't know , but I think we have found the hook  .....lets get back and research this "

We headed for the car

" We may as well pick up your stuff on the way back " I suggested as we drove away from the church

" Good idea John  "

A stern looking lady with a face like she was chewing a wasp , hands on her broad hips with a husband wearing exactly the same sweatshirt standing behind  her glared at us as Suzannah put her cases into my boot and got into the car .

We drove away , Suzannah turned toward me " You've got to laugh , One day I'm a librarian , then I'm sacked for gross misconduct , move out of the marital home , next thing I move into a strange mans car...at my age "

I laughed " And move in with the devil "

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