
997 34 2

2 Months later


I looked down and smiled as I rubbed my stomach thinking about the life that's going inside me.

"Jayda" I heard my mother calling me from downstairs.

"Coming" I replied back. I got off my bed and was about to walk to my door when I felt a gush of cold air swept pass me causing me to stop and look to my left and saw the window.

"Jayda" I heard my mother calling me.

"Just a second" I walked up to the window to close it and notice something was off.

There was a man in all black clothing with a black hoodie and a leather jacket out in the cold rain standing near a light pole across the street. It looked like he was looking into a window, my window to be exact.

I was going to bush it off until I saw his face.

"Jayda? Are you okay?" I heard my mother, Sarah asked me. I looked away and saw my mother with my step dad, August.

"I'm okay guys" I smiled looked at them then looked away.

"Okay well when you're ready, meet us downstairs in a few food is almost ready." I heard August say.

"Okay" I nodded my head as I placed my hair behind my ear.

"Um hum" they said in unison. I took a deep as I heard the door closed.

"Are you sure she okay?" I overheard August said as the sound of their footsteps faded.

I looked up at the window to see the guy was no longer there. I looked down at my four month pregnant belly, I felt a kick. I walked over to my bed to sit down. As I made myself comfortable I heard someone cleared their throat.

"How you doing Jayda? You alright?"

I looked up to see raven face in the moonlight coming from the window.

"Yeah I'm fine I just felt a kick, that's all" I rubbed my stomach as I avoid eye contract with her.

"Oh okay, *she look down and rubs back of her neck* Well I just come up here to let you knew that the food is ready so come on" she gestured her head towards the door.

"Okay I'll be down in a second" I shift my weight to the edge of my bed.

"Okay" she said as she limped out the room.

I inhaled and exhaled as I mentally prepare myself to face my family. Sometimes I wonder what if I haven't got involved with Muhammad if auntie Raven wouldn't be stuck with a limp for the rest of her life.

I sigh as I looked down on my stomach watching my slightly noticeable pregnant bump go up and down.

I raised from my bed walking to the door until I saw something at the corner of my eye. I walked over to the window and saw the same man standing by the light pole well at least I knew it was a man. Anyways he place his index finger up to his lips like he was telling me to be quite. Than my stomach starting kicking again but this time harder. I thought it was nothing until I felt a sharp pain shoot through my tummy. I fall to the floor screaming as curled into a ball.

"Help, someone help me!" I heard footsteps as I started to feel weak.

"Jayda, sweetie are you okay?" I heard my mother voice as my family surrounds me.

"No, it hurts" I hiccupped as tears falls down oh my face. Looking at everyone highly concern faces my eyes only fall on the tall black hooded figure who was laughing as he pulled back his hood revealing his face.

Obsession 2: His All The Squealحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن