Chap. 15 part 2

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Rese POV

My twin cousins Gina and Jojo wanted to take me out since there some go spots out in Greenwich. I figure why not seeing that I don't go out much since i got back form college.

I pulled out my white dress and some gold heels with matching accessories and laid my outfit out on my bed. I then grabbed my towel, wash cloth and head straight to bathroom. I turn the water on and turned to nob for shower and waited for it to steam up. I place my hair in a bun and sat the toilet rethinking my day.


Since I got back from the dinner I couldn't shake that guy off.

Was it his voice? Or Eyes? Wait no, his freckles?....

It was like my body was on autopilot while my mind was in full drive.

Wait, maybe i know this guy from my childhood... That could be it..Maybe I should call dad, or mom. They might know who the guy is! I don't know ...

I stepped into the bath tub and pulled the shower curtain as I grabbed the soap and the washcloth.

What if I'm bugging...

I lather my body up and the thought of my sister pop up. The more I thought about her the more I image what she looked like.

I wonder if she is okay?

I pushed that in that back of my mind and continue to rinse off my body and starting co-washing my hair. As I stared scrubbing my scalp with my finger nails my mind went back to my mother.

Do she even know what dad and auntie Raven are up to?

I rinse out my hair and turned off the water and hopped out the shower. I wrapped myself up in my towel and step into my room so I can get dress.

Chris Pov

Damn it

I hit my hand against a wall.

what if she saw me?

I looked at the hole I put into the living room wall. I sighed in frustrating I run mu hand through my curly blonde hair.I paced back and forth trying to figure out my next move. It seems like everything I get a step closer to my plan something or someone pops up.

First Raven, Now Rese! It only a matter of time till August brings his ass down here and fuck everything up... What I ...

Seeing that pacing wasn't helping I sat down trying to gather my thoughts. I though about all the messed up things he done to not only me but twin, and to the love of my life, the reason why I am even doing all of this Jordan.

I miss her smile...

I shred a tear thinking about what happen.

She was just ... Innocent

The more I thought about her , the evil I got, then it hit me

"That's it"

I left my head up like a mad man off his happy pills. I grabbed my car keys and head over to N.O.

August Pov

I was in my in-home studio working on new music with Miracle.

"This song is hot" She smiled and dance around as I played back the track to see if it is missing anything.

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