Chapter. 16

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I breath heavily as the blood drip down to my chin. I looked down at the corpse that laid before me.

That bitch had it coming.....

I grinned to myself as I looked at my piece of art.

"Hello?" I heard a female voice. I looked up and saw a silhouette of a girl coming closer.

Think Chris Think...

My heart started to pound as I looked around for a quick exit.

Come on , come on...

I hold my breath as I slide into Jayda's bedroom as I quickly but quietly push the door enough to leave a crack open.

"Hello" I hear her say.

I stayed still when the light flicked on.

"Oh my god! , Mom?!" I heard the girl screamed.

I slip out the window as the girl cried.

2 weeks later


I heard chatter as i came closer to my classroom. I honestly didnt want to here. Especially since the death of my mother. The school threatened to have me expelled if I didn't come back to school. So what other choice do I have? My mother is dead, the murder is being pended on my dad and my sister is taking away by child protective services after founding out that she not my dad daughter and I'm staying at Muhammed's house until the investigation is over.

I dragged my feet into the class as the room fell silent. I continue to walk even when everyone eyes were glue to me. Just before I got to my seat I stopped and look up at the classroom.

"What The Fuck Are You Looking At?!" I shouted as my blood boiled hot in my veins.

"Jaylan, um if you like you can go to the library.. So you can get some time alone.. If you like?" Mr. M asked but sound hesitant to say anything.

I closed my eyes trying to contain my rage, but I can still felt everyone gaze pirece right through me like a nail through wood.

"Yes, I would like that" I said as I made my own over to his desk to grab the pass he had in his hand.

When I tried to pull it out of his hand, he wouldn't let go it. Before I can protest he said

"Take all the time you need until you are okay, okay" He lift his right brown looking for reinsurance.

"Yeah, Okay" I looked down at his hand and tried to pulled it out of his hand again, but failed. I looked up to his face.

"Sorry to hear about your loss" He said sincerely as he let go.

"Yeah I guess" I mumbled

I walked out the classroom and headed to library. I pulled out my phone and texted Mu to come to the library.


I saw Muhammed walking to the direction of the library. I rubbed my stomach.

This is it...

I walked up to him as I called his name.

"Muhammed! Wait a second!" I jogged up next to him as he turned his head and saw me. He closed his eyes and his jaw did "THE THING".

"Muhammed, I need to talk to you about our baby." I said as I tried to catch my breath.

"Wait, What?!" He looked at me like I had two heads.

I scrunched up my face at him. "Nigga I know you don't have amnesia I've been telling you about this way before you got with Jaylan. Don't act brand new!" I mush the side of his head.

"Don't touch me Lafera!" I growled

I got madder because it sound like he threatening me. Plus it isn't like he is the one who is pregnant. I mean I didn't just woke up one day and decided I wanted to be pregnant. I didn't do this by myself.

"Fuck you getting mad for? It not like you are the one who's pregnant!" I shouted feeling everyone eyes on me. But I don't care he been avoided me for the past few weeks. I looked at him and saw his jaw clenched while his eyes were closed.

"Lafera! If you don't get cho ass the hell on!" He yelled while moving his right arm up and down.

"Or what, you really going to hit when I'm pregnant with your baby, really?" I furrowed my eyes as the left corner of my lip curled up in disgust.

He started to breath in and out as he tried to claim down.

"Look can I talk to you a different time about this, I have other things that are going on and..."

I cut him off by giving him the hand. "Save it, because it very clear to me that Jaylan is more important to you then your baby" my face turned up as I starting walking away until I heard a voice.

"Mu, did she just said your baby? what is she talking about ? " Jaylan said.

I shook my head at her. Ever since we were kids she was always so naive.


Tbh I want to update for tomorrow but I'm not sure.... I mean I want to try and finish this before January 5 th.

So what do you guys think about Chris ?

Did Shayla really deserve it?

Do you guys have a picture idea of Jordon? If so what do you think is her connection to the cast?

If I were to make a short story about Jordon, would you read it?

Who want to see what happen with Jaylan and Mu?

Do you think Chris would make it to book 3? *rubs hands like I'm birdman*

Do you think Sarah is innocent?

-rairosamarie ☺✌

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