“You can’t go on like this, you will die and then what will happen to all you have done? Sleep, nothing major will happen this early in the war.” When Feli started running a fever, she had no choice but to heed her mother’s advice and stay curled up in the bed for a few days. Talia visited her a few times but their conversations were clipped and short, the girl was still angry with her. When her fever broke and she started putting on weight again almost two weeks later, Nathanial came to her room with grave news. “Princess Feli, I apologize sincerely for what I must tell you considering you are not well yet but I think you need to hear this.” Feli’s eyes narrowed and she motioned to the seat beside her bed. Under any normal circumstance, his being in her room would lead to punishment and possibly demotion so if it was urgent enough for him to enter her private chambers then who was she to turn him away. Nathanial graciously took the seat she offered him and leaned forward, his elbows on his knees and his chin resting on folded hands. “In your absence, we continued planning when we received a messenger pigeon with a very important letter attached to it. According to this letter, a portion of the Nyekian army has breached our border and is traveling down the Beldanian side of the river. Upon studying this route and contacting the Reickian border, we have come to the conclusion that they intend to attack us from two fronts, the north and the south-east.” Feli nodded slowly, this was bad indeed but there must be more if his darkening expression was anything to go by. “When discussing counter measures…King Harold has decided he will send the majority of the Reickian forces to the river so that they may hold the line and repel Nyek should they try to cross.” Feli growled in her throat. “And what does my father say?” At her words, Nathanial looked down and answered with a growl of his own. “My Lord decided that Beldan would stay back and only go should reinforcements be needed, which is, in all cases the right move.” Feli shook her head. It may be the right move but it still doesn’t sit well. They should be mixing their troops instead of sending a large army of purely Reickian men to the border of Beldan.

“How many days ago was this?” her words were tight and clipped but she did nothing to lessen her aggression. If the twinge in her eye was anything to go by, it seemed she wasn’t alone in her anger. “Five days, I would have come here sooner but I did not want to disturb you recovery. As much as I think those bull headed, Reickian nobles need your harsh but levelheaded words; it is not worth risking your health over.” Feli smiled slightly. Yes, this man still treated her like a sibling despite everything happening at this moment. Throwing back the covers from her lap, Feli stood despite her being in only a nightgown and put her hands on her hips. “As you can see, I am quite well. Now, if you wouldn’t mind giving me a moment to get dressed, I have some words to exchange with Haydn.” At first Nathanial smiled at her words but at the mention of Haydn, his face darkened considerably once more. “I am afraid it will be impossible to reach him.” Feli glared down at him. “Why?” her voice was tight and the pain radiating through her eye seared her mind in vicious waves. “Sir Haydn is one of three Generals leading this mission to protect the river border.” Feli snarled deep in her throat and she was sure Feliks was doing the same deep within her. Spinning on her heel, she called back over her shoulder. “Get out now, I will meet you as soon as I am ready.” Nathanial rose from his seat and offered her a bow before hurrying out the door. As soon as it was closed behind him, she stalked over to the vanity mirror and ripped the sheet she had been keeping it covered with off. Her reflection warped swiftly and she was left looking into the glowering visage of Feliks. His blood red eyes flashed dangerously but when his voice sounded, it was filled with such deadly calm; she almost missed the snarky boy she was used to.

“Feli, for once I don’t care how you do it but you are going to go down there and demand they call him back. He is not a weapon and I do not rightly care how much he believes the King is absolute, Haydn is not fighting in this war.” Feli stared back with a glare to rival Feliks’ and nodded tightly. “I understand…I didn’t want this to happen either.” Despite the fact that she was trying to calm her counterpart, she watched him slam his hands against his side of the glass. “If you understand then give me your body! Don’t you get it yet, this just proves how unnecessary you are! What is it that keeps you here!?” his words were desperate and Feli couldn’t help feeling sorry for him but it didn’t change the fact that she would never give her body over. Looking down, she let her bangs hide her eyes from view as she chose her words carefully. “He said ‘Return to me, to this world…Feliciana.’ It was my name he whispered. You may not need me, Haydn may not need me…this whole castle may not need me but the one you forgot does need me. If nothing more than to knock some sense into him, I must continue living. That is why I cannot hand my body over to you.” Feliks stared at her for a few moments in silence as though trying to comprehend her words but instead of answering, he faded from the mirror.

Innocent Sorrow: A Tale of Twisted Hearts Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now