Prologue: Kevin's veiw

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Heller again! This is another prologue but in Kevin's view! So its all about setting up the story in Kevin's view! Enjoy ;)
Senior year. Another year I have to pretend to be someone I'm not. To everyone else I'm just this cold-hearted Jock. I fly by in school by others doing my work and will probably just get a football scholarship somewhere. I really don't know what I'm gonna do yet. But really I'm just trying to hide the fact that I have these feelings for someone, but I don't want anyone else to know about. Well everyone except my bestfriend Nat. He knows everything about me, EVERYTHING.

Well I hope this year is gonna go better then last year when Bobby decided to stab me in the heart. It's a long story, lets just say I've had a long year and summer. Let's see if this one will be better.
Like I said, this was only the prologue. So the next one is where the magic is gonna happen!


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