Twenty-Four: Nothing Will Be The Same

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**CHAPTER SONG: Fall Out Boy - Just One Yesterday (ft. Foxes)**

The four hour car journey back to Nottingham was nothing if not awkward

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The four hour car journey back to Nottingham was nothing if not awkward. I was cramped in the back of one of the Range Rovers, in between Charlie and Seb, mentally cursing Charlie for having such broad shoulders but also smiling because he'd got an ugly purple bruise forming on his throat from where I'd punched him.

I was sat in an hour of silence before Jay finally spoke from his seat in the front, with James driving on his left side.

"He's your responsibility." Was all he said and I assumed that he was talking to me about Seb, so I rolled my eyes and propped my feet up on the centre console between the front two seats.

"Well if I take better care of him than you did for me over the past two months then I think he'll do just fine, don't you?"

"You're treading a very thin line here Jessie."

"When did you find out that Speedy was working for Straine?" I changed the topic and saw Jay tense from his seat in the front, his hands absentmindedly fiddling with each other.

"A couple of weeks ago." His voice was strained which didn't surprise me. "He just walked into my office, told me the truth about everything and walked out again. I haven't seen him since but clearly you have."

"He was there when I woke... I assume it was this morning but they drugged me so I guess it could have been days ago." I looked out the window at the blackness of the night as we sped down the motorway, trying to process my situation. Where did I go from here? I could hardly sponge off of Jay for the rest of my life, just the thought of how hopeless and dependent on him I used to be made me cringe.

"Did he say anything?" Jay snapped me out of my daydream and I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"He said that he was assigned to keep an eye on me because everyone else was preparing to leave the house. Apparently the main part of their grand plan was over and all they had to do was see if I was ready before we left."


"If they'd trained me well enough. So Speedy held me at gun point until I proved to them that I was a sharp shooter and then stuck a needle in my neck. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in an alley in Edgware, no money, no phone, nothing. So if you've got any idea as to what this big plan is then please let me know because they obviously let me come back for a reason." 

Jay stayed silent along with everyone else in the car so I knew they were stumped for answers. But the real question was, why did they train me to kill? What use was it to them if they trained me to become a machine but then gave me back to the opposing side?

"I'll take you to the training warehouse in the morning and we can see what you can really do. Then we'll be able to come up with ideas as to why you've been... Trained." Charlie explained and I looked at him for the first time the entire journey and nodded, looking at his growing bruise again.

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