Nineteen: Because It's Camden

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**CHAPTER SONG: Justin Bieber - Sorry**

**CHAPTER SONG: Justin Bieber - Sorry**

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Thank God that's over."

"Oh come on, you loved Justin Bieber karaoke."

"Are we having a serious conversation right now?"

"I'll have you know that Justin Bieber is a talented young individual and-"

"Sir? Can I take your keys?" The two of us turned to see the doorman holding out his hand expectantly.

"Yes of course." Jay handed him his car keys and a twenty before turning back to me. "You're just jealous of the Biebs."

"Me?" I laughed. "Jealous? I just don't enjoy three hours of straight Justin Bieber, I mean, can you blame me?!"

We walked into the foyer of The Dorchester, our home for the next few days, and approached the reception desk.

"We're not listening to any more Bieber for the next year." I grumbled as Jay sorted out checking us in. I looked up to see Charlie, Bones and seven other guys walk into the foyer with small suitcases and slowly approach us. They had an air of danger about them, as no guests or members of staff dared to approach them whilst they walked in what seemed like a well-thought out formation.

"You won't believe what he made me listen to the entire journey." I moaned at Charlie as he reached me.

"Bieber?" Both Bones and Charlie replied simultaneously.

"How did you know?!"

"Do you know how many road trips I've done with Mr. High-And-Mighty here? Too many." Charlie laughed and patted him on the back lightly.

"So Bieber is a staple road trip theme?"

"Oh that's an understatement." Bones winked at me, causing someone to clear their throat rather obviously.

The three of us turned back to the desk to see Jay with a thunderous look on his face, stood with five swipe cards in his hands.

"I'm with Jessie, then you lot can sort out who you're bunking with. Choose wisely because Charlie snores like a wilder beast." I let out a laugh as Jay grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the lifts, leaving a quarrelling bunch of men in our wake.

"Room service for dinner?" I asked.

"That's the first thing we've agreed on in hours."

"Why is he wearing two pairs of trousers?"

"Because it's Camden."

"Wait, did she have a tail?"

"Yep, it's camden."

"Are those real designer jumpers for only £10?!"

"No Charlie, for the last time, it's Camden."

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