Two: Unexpected Faces

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"Oh God, oh God."

How on Earth am I supposed to get rid of a dead body? Where do I even start? I could feel my breathing get shallower as tears continued to roll down my cheeks, and knew that I was in danger of hyperventilating.

"Breathe," I whispered to myself. "Deep breaths."


"Just breathe, Princess. It's okay."

"What am I supposed to do now?!" I cried, my hands shaking so much I could barely keep hold of the gun.

"Clean up as much as you can, get the body into something that won't leave a trail behind, a bin bag or sealable object. You're going to be fine, Princess. Just stay calm," he tried to soothe me but it wasn't working.

"I killed him. I killed a guy, Jay. What does that make me?!" I screamed into the phone, looking at the lifeless eyes of the man I'd killed.

"It makes you part of my world... You're with me now."


I shivered as my mind recalled the only other time I'd been in a situation like this. The reason why I left my past behind and moved to London. The one guy who would be able to help me now.

"Bin bag, something sealable," I said to myself like a mantra, looking under my sink and finding a roll of black bin liners. I tore one off and made my way back to John's body, seeing the same glassy look in his eyes and blood slowly leaking onto my kitchen tiles.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry John. I'm so, so sorry." I lifted his head, trying not to get too much blood on my hands and slipped the bag over him so that I could no longer see his face, before pulling it down over his shoulders until it met the middle of his chest.

"Okay, that will stop the mess." I continued to talk myself through my steps so that I didn't go completely insane. But how the hell was I supposed to get the body out of my apartment?

I quickly searched John's pockets and came up with a wallet full of cash and a car key with a Mercedes logo on it. I pondered for a second on the thought that he may have brought a car. 

I could definitely use that.

I sprinted to the only window in my apartment that faced the main street outside and almost cried in joy when I saw a sleek black GLS parked just across the road. Surely not? I opened my window and pointed the key fob outside, pressing the unlock button and seeing the lights on the car flash.

"Thank God!" I cried with joy, locking the car again and shutting the window so that the rain didn't completely soak my apartment.

Maybe I would make it back to Nottingham. Maybe I wouldn't spend the rest of my life in prison. 

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