An Unexpected Change 49

Start from the beginning

"Jace came to the door to tell us about assembly but miss keep my cool only let him say erm before she slammed the door in his face." Becks explained.

"Becks." I said with a big smile on my face.

"Yes" she replied.

"Shhh." I answered.

She gave me an evil look but of course my evil look was much scarier.

"Come on ladies I am a growing man feed me!" Lee yelled as he picked us both up and threw us over his shoulders and walked out of our room.

"I think we need to watch what we feed you, how on earth can you lift us both?" I asked.

"Because I am superman."

"Ptsh." I scoffed.

"I am look on my underwear." He replied as if he had nonnegotiable evidence.

"I won't but Becks will." I commented. Becks turned and looked at me. She started to hit me but she was so weak that it was pointless. "Abuse." I yelled as we walked into the canteen

He dropped us both at our usual table and he walked off to get us food.

"How do you do it?" I questioned Becks

"Do what?" She asked confused.

"Do you not get upset when he carried us both or he hugs and stuff."

"Of course not. You are just mates and I know you don't like each other in that way. Also you would never do that to me. I trust you both a lot." she explained.

" Wow. Deep stuff." I replied. I was truly honoured that she trusted me that much.

"Your food my ladies." Lee announced as he placed a bacon sandwich in front of us both and took his seat next to Becks and I didn't mind one bit because they were both so happy.

"What do you think this assembly is about?" Becks asked.

"Oh it's about my awesome idea for saving this school." I replied.

"What?" She asked.

"Just wait." I told her.

As I took my last bit my peace was interrupted. "I win." Rachel's voice cheered next to me. Today her voice annoyed me even more.

I stood up. "Go and take a bath or would you like me to throw you back in the pool in the attempt to stop that nasty smell from you." I told her.

"Jacey doesn't think I smell bad. He actually thinks I smell amazing." She replied.

"Hahahaha Jacey, that's a good one. Did you buy him a dress or just majorly bruse his ego cause you must of changed him" I said trying to control my laughter then I got more serious. "cause the J I know like boxing and hates people treating him like a baby."

I barged past her because I just had chronic cba. I guess that he wasn't J anymore he was Jacey. I walked towards the main stage following a stream of students I guessed it was where the assembly was being held. I grabbed a seat at the back, Lee and Becks sat next to me not long after and the assembly began.

"We will hold a concert filled with singers, dancers, musicans and comedians and whatever else we can. We will charge admission for the public and the money raised will be used to keep the school open." The principle explained.

I looked around no one seemed to excited. I decided to step in. I walked up to the front and looked at the principle for permission to speak. He gladly held out the microphone to me hoping I would get a better reaction.

"Look if we don't do something this school will close that means say goodbye to your friends laid back teachers and awesome parties cause others school's aren't like this. As you probably know I have been through a lot of school's in the last few months and let me tell you that they suck big time so I refuse to leave here. I will do the concert single handedly because that is how much I want this school open. I have made amazing friends and I refuse to give up without a fight as all of you know I am not afraid of a fight, and you should be either. All you have to do to keep this school open is perform some sort of talent in a big group if you are scared and then get you families and friends and anyone else to pay to come and see if any of them feel extra generous. So who's gonna stop being selfish and help me?"I demanded.

"I will." yelled Lee as he jumped up. I smiled

"I will" yelled Becks and joined her boyfriend.

Then all of a sudden the whole room was on it's feet with a loud chorus of "I will."

"Thanks this show will rock and then once our school is saved we are going to have the biggest party ever and I will get a bouncy castle!" I yelled. The whole room cheered. Wow I can't believe it worked. "Right so you have sometime to think what you want to do to help so get a piece of paper write your name and what you want to do for the show bearing in mind we need people greeting the crowd we need a backstage crew people selling food and drink and people to help publicise this event as well. Then hand it to your home room teacher in the morning."

I handed the microphone back to the principle. "Thank you again Teri." He said as I handed it over.

I walked off the stage and the room was dismissed. "Teri?"

"Yes." I replied to the principle.

"I already know what you can do."

"What?" I asked

"You can do a play with your drama class and dance and you can sing a duet with Jace." He told me.

"I will do drama and dance and even sing but I can't with him." I explained. "Becks and Lee walked up to me before he could say anymore about it.


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