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"I'M NOT sharing my basement," The were coyote commented as they discussed their plan on how to trick the two teenagers into coming with them. They had taken advantage of their lunch period to devise a plan on how to get the newly turned werewolf to go with them to prevent him from going full moon crazy and possibly kill someone which, conveniently, had to be on that same day. Also, come up with a tactic to get the curly haired girl into talking to them.

"Actually, it's my basement," the strawberry blonde quickly counteracted. "And my mom knows how you tore it up last time."

"Alright, she's still learning," Stiles defended his girlfriend as he stood next to her, gently rubbing her arm in a comforting way.

"We're going to use the boathouse for Liam. It's got support beams we can chain him to one of them," the true alpha insisted as he looked between his pack mates, "And we'll bring Annalise, to keep an eye out for her until we know what we're dealing with."

Scott discreetly eyed Stiles since he was the one who was mildly suspicious of the girl in the first place and had practically forced him to bring her along. It wasn't like Scott wasn't suspicious because he was. Just not to the point where he believes that she'll maim and murder everyone in Beacon Hills including himself, like his best friend did.

"But how do we get them out to the lake house, if Liam doesn't trust us and Annalise won't step anywhere near us," Kira argued, stepping into the conversation for the first time.

"I say if it keeps Liam from murdering someone, we chloroform the bastard and throw him in the lake," Stiles occupied his hands to imitate the image of throwing something – or in this case someone. "And for Annalise we'll think of something else a little less vicious, we're not animals here."

Stiles glanced at the werewolf, "Well at least some of us aren't," Scott cocked his head at him until the pale skinned boy slowly realized what he had uttered and made a face of discomfort, "Sorry."

"I'm in," Malia, completely unfazed by what her boyfriend had just commented, raised her hand in which Stiles noticeably perked next to her, gesturing towards the fact that someone had agreed with his plan.

"We're not killing or kidnapping him or Annalise." Scott firmly spoke.

"So let's be smarter." Lydia raised her hands in a defeated way, "We tell them there's a party and invite the two of them."

"So you're gonna ask out a freshman and a junior?" Stiles smartly questioned, his eyes distinctively narrowing at the girl.

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