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ANNALISE MARIN laid on the very uncomfortable hospital bed, the light blue sheets wrapped around her pale, almost lifeless, unconscious body, and braids of her dark hair scattered all over the cream colored pillow. The only thing audible was the small chattering coming from outside her hospital room, and the sounds of the heart monitor that was connected to her, beating abnormally quick. Every one who wasn't professionally experienced in the medical department had figured maybe it was almost a side effect. The girl did get struck by lightning and lived - if you could call laying in the hospital bed and not being able to move a muscle, living. But in a professionals' perspective it had been awfully odd and highly suspicious except maybe for a certain nurse, who knew far beyond the doctors to classify it as just only an unbelievable miracle.

Though she couldn't move an inch in her bed, was able to hear everything that was occurring around her. She could hear her father's cries to wake up every morning, she could hear her nurse, Melissa McCall, opening the squeaky door of her room to check on her every now and then and the small one sided conversation she would make with the basically dead girl. If it was up to her, she would rather not be able to hear it at all. It was a horrible feeling, not being able to comfort her only family she had left, or thank her nurse for everything she's done for her, not even hold a conversation with Sheriff Stilinski, who made sure to visit her every chance he could. If it was up to her, she'd go back to that day and listen to her dad when he told her, over the phone, to get back home before dinner gets cold. Being the stubborn girl she was, she never listened and stayed, explaining to her dad about wanting to study to get a good grade on her math homework.

Then, four hours later, at almost eight at night, the brunette stepped out of the the high school's, Beacon Hills High, library and through the exits of the dark blue doors, the ones she dreaded seeing five days a week. It was when she was heading towards her black jeep when it happened.

When she was struck by lightning.

It happened so quickly as if she jumped from one place to another, those places being from the front of the entrance doors, to the door of her car, exactly where the lightning had struck. Her body wasn't found until later that evening when it stopped pouring rain. Oblivious to the tragic accident and after and hour an a half later, her dad had frantically called the sheriff's department to report about his missing daughter, then he set out to find her himself - he never trusted the police after what had happened with his wife's demise. And the first place he searched had been the only place he could think his only daughter would be at: the library.

Seeing your only daughter and child's unconscious body on the ground was every parent's nightmare with Andrew Marin being no exception. As if on cue, Sheriff Stilinski had appeared at the scene, along with newcomer Deputy Parrish, and an ambulance with paramedics prepared for what was to come. They immediately rushed to the girl, taking out their medical gear meanwhile and overly emotional dad was being pulled away from the scene. But they just didn't understand. They didn't understand that the girl laying on the ground had been his only family left and he wouldn't let her leave him at the snap of a finger. His daughter was much stronger than that.

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