Chapter 21 - Angel With A Shotgun

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I did exactly what I shouldn't have done - I went to heaven. I didn't inform any of my siblings about it and I broke into the chamber in which my bow and my arrows were kept. No one noticed me and so I could get in and out really easily. I stole my belongings.

It felt good to have them back. It made me feel stronger and I felt like my life had a purpose again. I was made to make people fall in love and this is exactly why I stole them now because I wanted to make them fall in love again.

Of course, I had been drunk and I couldn't control myself anymore but I would never regret doing it.

I teleported myself back home and looked at my weapon. My bow was made of ebony wood branches and the arrows were made of maple - at least they seemed to be made of maple. Actually all my arrows were created by god himself and they were as light as a feather but you could shoot them as fast as a bullet. Human beings would say they are magical.

I never missed my target with those babies and I also wouldn't do it now.

I let one hand glide over the bow before hanging it over my shoulder and taking my phone.
I called Olivia and arranged a meeting with her at a bakery. I told her we have to talk about work and so she agreed on it.

Afterwards I called Brea and I told her about my plan to make them fall in love. She didn't ask any questions and she didn't doubt my idea. Brea immediately said yes and then she hung up.

I teleported myself in front of the bakery and looked around. I needed a good spot to shot my arrow and that's how I ended up here.
I saw a tall building and teleported myself on top of it. I had a nice overview of the street from here and now I had to wait.

I watched the people pass by on the street and meanwhile I put an arrow to my bow.
It didn't take long until Brea arrived and sat down at a table outside of the bakery. She folded her hands in her lap and her glance swiped through the crowded street to find Olivia.

Both of us were waiting impatiently and hoping that she would arrive soon. I drummed my fingers against the concrete and then I saw the one I was looking for. Olivia finally arrived and she was looking for me at the bakery. As she saw Brea she froze for a second but then she turned around and wanted to leave.

Brea noticed and ran after her and grabbed her arm to stop her. They were facing each other now and I took my turn to bend my bow and targeted Olivia first. Afterwards I let go.

I knew this would ruin my life and a small part inside of me was screaming and begging to stop but it didn't. I sealed my fate with these actions. I sealed my fate to fall.

I watched the arrow fly towards her and then it hit her arm. She wouldn't be able to see or feel it, the only thing she would feel because of it was true love towards Brea. Unconditional love which would never vanish and I saw it in her eyes. I could see it and I could feel it. It was in my nature to feel true love between humans.

After the first arrow hit Olivia I bent my bow again and this time the arrow stroke Brea. Now they were standing in front of each other, staring in their eyes and I could see a small smile spread on their lips.

I got up and I knew I never felt that relieved before. I almost forgot how good it felt to make people fall in love so easily. It was an amazing feeling - indescribable.

I looked down at Olivia and Brea and only very rarely they weren't fighting when I was watching them and this time they weren't. They talked about something but I wasn't able to hear it from the distance but I could see all their movements. They were smiling and laughing. Their fight vanished within seconds and all that was left was true and beautiful love.
I watched them for a few minutes and I kept smiling all the time.

That's what happened until now. My future was written in the stars and now I could hope for the best.

I was sure the smile on my face would be wiped away soon but I didn't regret it. Love was something beautiful and it will always be - but just like I expected my smile to vanish it did.
I was teleported away from the building and I could feel fear entering my body. I knew what was going to happen now.

My bow and arrows burned in my hands while I was getting teleported and then I stood in front Gabriel's office. I knew my bow and arrow weren't ruined, they only got returned to the chamber. The feeling of being drunk was completely gone by now and I could think clear again. I took a moment to mentally prepare myself on what's going to happen now. Afterwards I took a sharp breath and opened the door.

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