Chapter 20 - Pig 'N A Poke

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I woke up about 2 pm because I received a message on my phone. I stayed up much too late last night so I was still tired. I groaned and rubbed over my eyes while sitting up and then I checked my phone.

It was a message from Olivia "We don't know how you did it but we know you made us meet up here. Still, I've got to say thanks. We talked and tomorrow I am going to meet Brea's parents. So thank you."

"Yes, I did and you're welcome." I put my phone smiling on the nightstand again and got up.

I jogged down the stairs to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. As I looked at the counter I saw a new bottle standing on it - number five.

"Are you serious, Lucifer?" I mumbled to myself. "I don't care how you get these bottles here all the time and I don't care why you even want me to drink this but this needs to stop now!" I shouted and hoped that Lucifer would hear me somehow, even though I knew he wouldn't. I grabbed the bottle and opened it.

Afterwards I walked to the sink and poured all the liquid in it. I threw the bottle in the trash can and heard how the glass broke into hundreds or thousands of little pieces. Then I continued, I took all the bottles out of the cupboards and pour all the Wing Burner away and after this I threw each bottle in the trash can until not a single one was left.

I let out a sigh of relief and leaned against the counter. Finally I got rid of them and it was definitely time for that since quite a while already.

Moving on to some days later now. I don't want you to get bored of my life, now do I?

I bet I already did.

It was Tuesdays in the evening. I was sitting in my bed with my laptop beside me and scrolled through some dating websites to find a partner for a man called Samuel. I clicked at a profile when I suddenly got a call from Brea.

"Hey, what's going on?" I greeted her but then I heard silent sobbing from the other side of the line "Oh no. What happened?"

"Olivia and I-...We-...we broke up" her silent voice cracked and she was sobbing even more by now.

"Why? What's going on?"I pushed her to tell me.

Brea inhaled deeply and then she started explaining as calm as possible "Well, you remember that she met my parents on Tuesday? They loved her and she was also really happy that she finally met them. So we decided that I would meet her parents the next day on Wednesday. They are nice but they hate the fact that she's together with a woman and told her they wouldn't accept it if we stay together. Olivia promised me it wouldn't have any effect on our relationship but now, this morning, she called me and said that it's over and that it wouldn't work either way."

Brea obviously started crying again and I scratched the back of my neck while thinking "I'm going to fix this somehow."

"You will?" She whispered.

"Yes, I always did. Don't worry. It's going to be fine. I promise." I assured her.

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Cupid."

"You're welcome. I'll look for a plan now so goodbye, Brea." I pressed the red button shortly after she said goodbye as well and then I got up.

I tried to avoid this situation the whole time. I tried to make them stay together all this time and they got nothing else to do than fighting and breaking up because of the dumbest reasons I've ever heard.
I walked downstairs and tried to think of a plan on how to fix everything but I was angry. I barely got angry but lately I was slowly losing my nerves because of Olivia and Brea, because of Lucifer, because of my job as the angel of love, because of everything.

I didn't want to fix their problem at this moment. I wanted to forget about all the stress for a while because I think I truly deserved some rest but they didn't let me rest. They kept fighting and fighting and fighting - and they kept being mad at me during all their fights.

A small part of me wished that I never would have met them and at the second I thought of it I saw a bottle standing at the table - number six. I stormed over and grabbed it. I wanted to hit it at the sink and I wanted to scream but I didn't. I stopped before the bottle met the corner of the kitchen counter and looked at it. For a few minutes I just looked at the bottle and didn't move at all.

Then I moved. I didn't ruin the bottle and I didn't scream. I opened it and then I drank.

I can't tell you how much I drank but I can tell you why I drank. Anger, frustration, sadness, and all the bad feelings any being could ever feel - life isn't that enjoyable when you can't feel any love - this is why I drank. And humanity is why I drank. And my father. My siblings. Not to forget, myself. I caused trouble in every relationship since I got here and that's why I think I deserve everything that happened later on.

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