Chapter 8 - Letters From Heaven

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It was raining outside and fog was covering the streets.
At sunny days humans always were happy and spent a lot of time outside, but at days like these they got depressed and avoided the nature like they avoided going to a dentist.

But to me it didn't matter. I'm a constantly cheerful, sarcastic, little angle as long as a problem doesn't affect me personally.

Awesome, right?

Well, at this rainy Sunday morning I was standing in my kitchen and preparing breakfast while humming quietly along to the radio. The refrain was just about to begin as I heard someone knocking at the front door of my apartment.

I switched off the radio and jogged to the door to open it - but no one was there. I looked around confused but then I spotted a letter laying on my doormat.

It was an ordinary white envelope but with golden wings printed on it. A letter from one of my brothers or sisters.
I picked it up and ripped open the paper while walking in my kitchen to sit down there.


due to the fact that four months of your journey already passed, we'd like to hear your first report about human beings.

We are concerned that you might not take your job serious so we will visit you today at 2 pm earth-time to check on you. Make sure that you are at home.

Father didn't give you a year off, he sent you for work.


Gabriel. My big brother Gabriel. Oh, how I hated him sometimes.

He is fathers favorite and the only one of us who ever had contact to him, except for Lucifer and Azrael.

Gabriel always had been the one telling us bad news and giving us advice on how to do something better, even though he isn't perfect either.
Of course we also shared nice moments with each other, especially when I was younger, but because of his important position in heaven he was constantly busy and got mad at times because of this.

I love him, but I hate him too.

I knew he didn't trust me in this job, because I am the youngest angel - the eldest one is Azrael, probably better known as Death or the Grim Reaper - but I wanted to prove Gabriel wrong. I wanted to show him that I can walk around on earth without causing any trouble.

As a consequence I needed everything to look perfect when he arrives.

Putting away the alcohol, throwing the trash away and cleaning the rest of my apartment so everything looked neat.

Right as it turned 2 pm someone knocked at my door and I quickly threw the rest of my trash in a paper basket. Afterwards I sprinted to the door and opened it to see Gabriel.

"Brother, good to see you." He said formerly and nodded his head lightly, which I replied.

"Come in." I stepped aside and showed him with one hand to enter my apartment.

Gabriel walked inside and it was immediately possible to see that he was quite sceptical about my new accommodation but I managed to ignored that.

Later, while we were sitting in my living room, Gabriel asked me many questions about earth, humans and their love matters. To each question I had a good answer - I was doing my job quite well - but then he asked the last question. I wasn't prepared, I didn't think of it before.

"What do you think of humans?"

What did I think of them? They are complicated, unfriendly, destroy the nature and think we and our father wouldn't exist - but some of them are kind, caring and do everything with so much love, you just can't hate them. They are like puppies. They think they'd know everything, are hyperactive and it's funny to watch them.
Actually I liked them.

On the one hand I could have told him that I like them, but many of my brothers don't like those dihydrogen monoxide and oxygenium dependent beings really much so they would dislike me for this opinion - they are slightly complicated. On the other hand I could have lied and kept their trust, but I've sworn that I'd never lie to my brothers and sisters - so I knew what to do.

"I like them. They are complicated but actually they are mostly a really good companion."

"Oh, interesting." He replied, but I knew he was silently judging me. Afterwards Gabriel got up and look at me "You may stay at earth. See you in four months, Cupid."
He looked away and his body burst into flames - this is our way to teleport ourselves.

I never felt so relieved before. After telling him that I like human beings I was worried he might tell me that I have to go back to heaven.
But my mission wouldn't be over that quickly - it'd last for a total of eight months.

It took eight months until I shot that arrow. Eight months till I failed my brothers and my sister. Eight months till I betrayed god.

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