Chapter 1 - No God, No Pink, No Job

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Hello, my name is Cupid - some prefer to call me Amor but Cupid is the name I was given when I was created so I stick with it.

I got sent to earth, because god wanted me to watch over the humans by being closer to them and getting to know the way they behave, not to forget to find out a bit about their love matters. Back in time, about a few thousand years ago, I really would have appreciate this but now, since god let them have a free will so they can choose whom they fall in love or if they stay alone for the rest of their lives, it's kind of pointless to me.

Still, nice gesture of him - I guess. I also kind of lost my "job" back then.

People might think now "Cupid? The god of love? This little naked boy with bow and arrow?"

No. First of all, I am no god. I'm an angel - the angel of love, the one and only. Furthermore I'm no naked little boy. On earth I'm a 23-year-old man who, guess what, wears clothes. I prefer suits. They are elegant - just like angels. And last but not least: Yes, I do have a bow and arrow. No, they aren't pink or heart shaped and no, I'm not like Green Arrow who's jumping around with them in the middle of the night.

Just like every angel I got wings. Not white or pink like most humans might assume, but black. A majestic color.

Whenever I would use them I can turn myself invisible for the eyes of humans.

But since I kind of lost my job, I should get to know the humans and I am just here to give god a report about the love matters of humans, there's no reason to use my bow, arrow or wings.

But just as I already mentioned.


Nice gesture.

Now let's start at the very beginning, the point my little trip to earth started.

I woke up in a bright room. I had never seen anything like this before. There were lots of wires and some of them were attached to my body. Weird. But there was something that was even more off. A flat black thing was hanging on the wall - and it was possible to see some humans in it.

I wanted to sit up but some of the wires held me back and in the next moment a woman rushed into the room. She was wearing a white coat and wow, she was beautiful - ok, I got to admit I've never seen any ugly human.

"He's awake!" She shouted while walking to my bed. The blue-eyed woman put a hand on my forehead for a second. Afterwards she pulled a silver stick out of her pocket and pressed a button which made it shine at the top and pointed it at each for my eyes for a moment.

"w-What..." I stuttered. I couldn't even formulate a proper sentence because of all the irritating stuff going on.

The woman made a quick stop and looked at me. Then she took a notebook and a piece of paper.

"Do you remember your name?"

My name. Of course I remember my name. I remember my whole life. Why wouldn't I?

"Cupid. My name's Cupid." I replied and tried to sit up once more but this time the woman held me down and shook her head lightly.

"Cupid? So, 'Mr. Cupid', what's your last name?"

"Just Cupid."

The woman sighed and wrote something on her notebook. I wanted to lean a bit to her and look what she's writing but once more she held me down which made me sigh this time.

"Do you remember what happened?" She asked, still looking at her notebook. Afterwards she put her pen away and looked at me.

I knew it wouldn't be good to tell her god sent me. I knew it would sound crazy and actually I really got no plan how my body got in this room.

Obviously the woman noticed my facial expression, which said that I had no idea, so she started explaining "A man found you a week ago in a forest in a nest of feathers - naked. He said you were awake for a moment and tried to get up while mumbling some stuff about god and love, but you broke down and he called the ambulance who immediately brought you here, to the hospital."

She looked at me while I tried to remember but I couldn't. I could only remember my life in heaven and that's it. There's nothing about a forest.

The woman closed her eyes for a second a let out another sigh "You really can't-..."

A woman, who just entered the room, interrupted her "It's okay, Casandra. I'm going to care about him."

She smiled and with that the other woman, who was asking me all those questions, left the room.

"I'm sorry. I was just told you are awake and immediately came here." The woman excused herself.

She had long blonde hair and was wearing a tight white dress with some red heels which fit her lipstick. In one of her hands she was holding a white handbag and in the other one some clothes.

"I'm Aleisa." She said while walking to me and pulled the wires off my body. Afterwards she put the clothes she was holding on the bed. "Put that on. I'll wait outside."

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