Chapter 5 - Letters From Hell

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Lately I have heard about this new TV show called "Lucifer" which FOX is going to air in 2016.

In this show Luce looks so much like he does in real life, which is really intriguing to me. Funniest part of it is: He really wants to come all the way up to earth. Just like I said, we've, we are best friends and brothers, so we wanted to meet up.

The positive side about is that I am going to see my best friend finally and he's actually allowed to come on earth for a week every year, but the negative side is that Luce can be quite much of a troublemaker sometimes - bet you heard something like this already.

To get a few things straight first. There are a lot of rumors about Lucifer, there are lots of rumors about all angels but right now the most important rumors are the ones about Luce and about hell. The rumor which says that Lucifer is a fallen angel and was banned from heaven because he and god had a different opinion about humans and some other stuff - is true. But the rumor which says that Lucifer tortures souls and that hell is the most horrible place to be at - is absolutely and completely wrong.

Lucifer is one of the kindest and funniest angels I've ever met and the only reason he was banished from heaven is because he is stubborn, arrogant and childish sometimes - usually in the wrong moments. I would never say he has a heart of gold, but he is definitely a good guy.
Furthermore hell can be quite cool. I've been there once, because god sent me to talk with Luce, so I know what I am talking about. In hell sins are everyday life. Not that I'd be interested in it but in hell sex and drugs are completely normal.

Luce knows how to "party", but he also knows what to do when a soul rebels. They've got a jail down there, so whenever somebody thinks they have to question Lucifer's power they are put in there for thousand years. Thousand years sounds long but when you can't die anymore then it's nothing.

Altogether, Lucifer is a nice guy, hell is cool, probably better than heaven - depends on personal preferences - and humans are prejudgment.

Like I said, he wanted to visit me the next day and I was happy about it but first I needed to clear up the fight between Mrs. Heithan and Aiden.

I walked to Paula after we arrived at Heithan's, while Aiden was waiting a few meters away from us.
Then I wanted to explain to her what's going on "I talked with Aiden-..."

She shook her head in frustration "I don't want to hear anything about him, Mr. Ferron."

"Listen, please." I frowned lightly and looked pleadingly at her. First she clenched her jaw but then she nodded. A small smile spread on my lips and I looked at Aiden for a moment and then back at her. I told her everything Aiden told me earlier.

Mrs. Heithan took a step aside to she was able to look at her lover "So you are single?"

"I'm still married but actually I am single. Only the law says I am still married." Aiden replied with a shy undertone and walked to us.

"Oh god. I am so sorry. I should have listened to you when you wanted to explain it to me." She ran a few steps to him and they took each other tightly in their arms.

To be honest, this wasn't the kind of love I enjoyed seeing so much. This wasn't "true love", it was just love - I knew they were meant to be, but my magical arrow was missing. Though it made me happy. I knew I can't ever have anything like this, so I wanted them to be endlessly happy with each other.

No one on earth is doomed to be alone and that's why human life is the best that could happen to you. Some human beings think they'll end up alone with loads of cats - I guess they are referring to something whenever they say this, but I don't understand it - truth is, they are made to fall in love.

I, on the other hand, am made to make humans fall in love and to guide them to their "happily ever after", but my father forgot one thing while creating me. Something that he didn't forget while creating every other being - even my brothers and sister. He forgot to give me, the angel of love, the ability to love.

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