"I was going to tell her today, I needed time to get my head around it. I love her I don't want to hurt her but I have to marry Caitlin" I yelled at Alison.

Alison stepped back. She sent a filthy look in Caitlin's direction and then picked her bag up off the ground. Her white shirt was covered in my blood. Her punches had hurt but it wasn't too bad. It would have been worse if she had let her wolf take over. I got up off the ground and began dusting myself off. I turned around to pick Caitlin up but Alison decided she wasn't finished. She hit me with her bag a few more times and punched me in the chest but her punches were weakening.

Just then, Mr Clarkson walked around the corner. Mr Clarkson was a member of Alison's pack. We always tried to get one or two wolves into the faculty of any school that pack members would be attending.

He grabbed Alison from behind wrapping his arms around her and pulled her away from me.

"Alison that's enough" Mr Clarkson belted out as he dragged her off to his office. She was still putting up a fight for as far as I could see her.

I remember thinking that I could still fix things with Dylan, and that I could still be with her. If I could never have a real mate, then she would be the next best thing.

"Look Brian, You know as well as anybody, that an Alpha who is mated is stronger than one that is not, when you have your Luna by your side you have more of an incentive to protect. Your pack has more of an incentive to protect. Everything will be more protected. She has already made her mark on the pack; she can give commands like a Luna does. The pack already thinks of her as the future Luna, and that girl is going to be your Luna whether you like it or not," My father said before getting up and leaving the room. He never liked to leave any time for me to argue.

I didn't expect him to call the wedding off. I knew that by coming in here it would anger him, but he needed to know that this arrangement was only to benefit the pack and him. There was nothing in it for me at all.

"Your father told me you were in here" Caitlin said from the doorway. I smelt her hanging around the house for most of the day but I was trying to avoid her. She was on heat and my wolf was going insane.

"What do you want, I'm busy" I glared at her over my shoulder. My canines had come out, not because I was angry, but because my wolf was trying to take over, he wanted to mate with her. I on the other hand wanted to banish her from my land.

"I wanted to come and tell you the boys are back from the party, Dylan was there" she said, her voice was quiet and nervous and I could tell she was either up to something or something was wrong.

"And well um....Kael bit her" She said. Her voice was barely a whisper.

I was glad that all of the furniture in our house was made especially for temperamental wolves. My claws had come out and were digging into the leather arm chair, I was contemplating throwing it through the windows in front of me. But I managed to keep calm. I slowly stood up, being extra careful to not make any sudden moves. My wolf was right at the edge, Any thought of mounting Caitlin had left his head, Now he wanted blood.

From a young age, even before I had made the change, my father had always made it clear to me that I needed to control my emotions and actions. Self-control was very important to all wolves, but especially to my father. Our ancestors were notorious for losing control and flipping out. The consequences of their actions were devastating. My grandfather killed his beta's son when he had spoken out of turn in a council meeting which of course started a riot within the pack.

I turned around and made my way through the office doors, Shoving Caitlin out of my way when she tried to grab my arm.

"Where is he" I said, my voice was low and deep and dangerous. I didn't even recognize it myself.

"Cotton and Jake have him in the cells" she whispered. I heard her whimper a little as I walked away.

As soon as I was out of the house I let my wolf out. The cells were a 10 minute run from the Alphas house. My clothes lay shredded on the ground. I stood on the front lawn and looked up to the moon letting out a long loud howl. I knew Kael would hear it, He would know I was coming.

I blocked out all links to my pack as I ran. I didn't want anyone else to know the plans I had for Kael. My father believed in quick deaths for traitors and trespassers. It was inhumane and immoral to torture or torment them. A clean quick death was much better in my father's eyes. But that was not what I had in store for Kael

Kael had done stupid things in the past. I knew he hated Dylan. When Dylan and I first started dating he told her I was only with her for one thing. Dylan never told me he said it, But Jake had heard and told me through our mind link. That night when he got home I was waiting for him. It was only a few hits to remind him where his place was. Insulting or upsetting Dylan was like Insulting or upsetting me.

I pushed through the doors of the pack prison. I flew down the 6 flights of stairs like they were nothing. Now that I was deep underground my senses were even stronger. The smell of blood was thick in the air. Jake and Cotton must have already started beating Kael before I got here. I growled loudly. My wolfs voice was different to any other wolf in my pack, So that even if they couldn't see or smell me for some reason, They would hear the Alpha tone in my growls and barks.

I walked past a few empty cells; the smell of blood was growing stronger.

Kael was on his knees in the centre of his cell, Covered in blood and bruises. It was pleasing to see him hurt, but my wolf wanted him dead.

Cotton and Jake stood on either side of him, their faces covered in sweat.

I changed back into human form, If he wouldn't change into his wolf form, Then I would not kill him in mine.

I stood there glaring at him for a second before I walked to the end of the hallway and grabbed a pair of basketball shorts. We had clothes everywhere in our pack lands for times when we have changed and not carried our clothes with us, or in this case when we have changed without taking our clothes off and shredded them to pieces. My father spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on clothing every year.

When I returned to the cell Cotton and Jake had stepped out into the hallway and closed the cell door behind them.

"I think you need to talk to him before you kill him. He told us something and I'm not sure if it's true or not but, It does seem like something she would do" Cotton said with his head facing forwards. He looked tired and worried. Cotton and Dylan had a bond. Like best friends do. I had no doubt in my mind that he was worrying about Dylan as much as I was. But I needed to settle this first.

"Open the doors" I ordered

When I stepped into the cell, Kael was laying on a camp stretcher that hadn't been in here 2 minutes ago. I wonder what he said to make Jake and Cotton feel sorry for him.

"What do you have to say for yourself" I growled low and quietly.

Kael turned around to face me. I could no longer recognize him because of the swelling of the bruised areas on his face.

"Before you kill me" he said, His voice sounded strained and it seemed really painful to speak. "You should know that I was ordered to bite Dylan" He said slowly.

I opened my mind link back up and immediately sent Jake to fetch the pack doctor.

Even if he was lying I needed to hear this before I made my next move.

"Who ordered you to bite Dylan" I asked, My voice was slowly returning to normal.

He opened his mouth and let out a small whimper. His body was already starting to heal itself but it would be a very long night for him.

I knelt down next to the stretcher. "Who ordered you to bite Dylan" I repeated myself

After a few short breaths, Kael opened his mouth again.


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