Chapter 15

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I hate hospitals.
I've always hated them. When i was younger my friends used to call them party killers. But then again we did stupid shit.
Thats all i can think about.
I spent the entire day sitting by Rísa's bedside until she could wake up.
The sound of the heart monitor was the only noise that filled the room. But some how just that comforted me.
I laid my head on Rísa's chest and dozed off.
The sound of the curtain being moved woke me up. The nurse smiled with sympathy in her eyes.

She grabbed the clip board from the foot of the bed and flip through the papers.

"Now lets see how Ms.Rísa doing."
"Did she stir at all?" The nurse asked looking up from the clip board.
I shook my head no and turned my attention back to Rísa.

"Well we're going to continue to monitor her until she decides to wake up." The nurse said before leaving the room..closing the curtain behind her.
I felt restless. The little amount of sleep i did get was when i was laying on Rísa.
I got up and kissed her on the cheek.
I walked out of the room to get some coffee. There was only a coffee pot filled with coffee. No sugar. I guess that know the only people that come to get coffee in a hospital are the ones that are trying to stay up. I took a styrofoam cup and filled it with the dark coffee.
It was the perfect temperature.
I walked back towards the room.
As i turned the corner towards the reception desk, i heard a familiar voice.

"Look..I'm just a friend of hers, and i just came to see if she was iight." I heard them say with frustration.
When i got pass the reception desk i saw Kilo with a stuffed animal in her hand.
"Kilo." I called.
She turned around and looked at me.
"I heard that ya' friend got popped." She said holding her head down slightly.
"I just game to give sum' sympathy..i-i was going to leave right after."
Could she really have a heart. I asked myself.
I but down on my lip questioning whether or not she could be trusted.

"Do you need someone to escort you out ma'am?" The nurse at the desk asked Kilo.
Kilo looked back over to me hoping i would answer.
"No..she's fine..she's a family friend."
She had to believe that. Rísa didn't have much family.
"Alright." The nurse replied half willingly.
I walked Kilo back to Rísa's room without saying a word.
I pulled the curtain back to Rísa room and gestured her in.
She walked in and sat the bear on the food tray that sat beside the bed.
A sat in the chair on the opposite side and began to drink my coffee.
Kilo stood at the opposite side of the bed and took a deep breath.
I didn't acknowledge her at all.
She glanced at me before taking a seat beside me.
"You do know I'm not just a asshole? "
Kilo said looking at the patterns on the floor tiles.
"I tried to warn you in the beginning about her.,,I wasn't wishing some bad shit or nothing,"
"But she does have the effect on people..and you can't change her...I already tried dat'." She said with a light chuckle.
"She's just-"
I cut her off , clicking my tongue.
"I hope she be alright..damn"
I put my attention back on Rísa.
"You always this damn angry??!" Kilo said starting to get frustrated.
"Only when dumb asses are involved."
"Why yall niggas yelling and im trying to get some sleep." Rísa said as she was beginning to wake up.
Her voice was raspy as she spoke.
They both stood up and looked at Rísa,
"Yes..i was are you?" Rísa sarcastically.
A light smile went across Bobby's face.
"And yes i've been here all night bitch" Bobby snapped back.
"ooh."Rísa said laughing.
"Glad to see you good." Kilo added in.
Rísa looked down at the foot of the bed at Kilo.
"Ahh shit how you know Kilo?" Rísa asked Bobby?
"She be having the loud." Rísa said laughing.
They all started laughing.
"You trynna hook me up??"
"Nigga you just got shot and the first thing you think about is some weed."
"Exactly!" Rísa and Kilo said simultaneously.
What more could I expect from my life. Yeah i get thrown some crazy shit sometimes but I wouldn't trade it.
Its just the life of bobby.

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