Chapter 7

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Every since the day with Shauna I couldn't stop thinking about her. There's no way I was falling for a girl that i only met in one night.

"Hello.." Rìsa called out to me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah..what's up?"
"You good?"
"Yeah..I'm cool."
"Ok but who was that girl that was in your place yesterday?"
"Nobody..just someone who needed a place to crash for a night."
"Well shit..if thats not you put me on her."

I don't know why i felt so uncomfortable with hooking Rìsa up with Shauna like she was mine or something. But it could be the fact that Rìsa not the type to keep her mouth closed. That's what happened with her and Monea-Marie.
"Man you with the zoning out." "Are you still drunk or something?"
Rìsa snapped me out of my thoughts again.

"Nah..I'm just tired." "But I'll invite her out with us and she can meet us there." "It's supposed to be this new club opening."

"" Rìsa said ending the call.

i needed to get out my thoughts so i got in my car and just drove.
It was around 4pm and i still couldn't get Shauna off my mind. Then i realized i was going to have to see her again tonight.
I took my phone out of my pocket and text Shauna.
Me: Hey whats up? Its supposed to be this new club opening downtown. You in?

Shauna: Yea...just tell me what time and i'll be there.

Me: @ 9

Shauna: Bet ;)
Just texting her made me replay what happened yesterday. From the threesome with her and her laying in my bed beside me practically naked.

But what i still couldn't shake was the situation with her and that girl.
Who was she...really?

I made a U turn and went towards clones to see if Keisha was working today. 
When i pulled up to the club the parking lot wasn't as packed as the night before. I walked in and slow music was playing but no one was on the dance floor.
I sat at the bar hoping that Keisha would walk over to me but the only person i saw was Derrick.

"Hey Derrick." I called over to him.
He walked over to me cleaning a glass.

"Whats up?"
" Keisha working today?"
" Yea..but she's not on the floor." "She went to the back room."
"Alright thanks."
I walked to the back of the club looking for Keisha.
Once i got in the lounging area i sat down on the couch and waited.
5mins had passed and Keisha walked into the lounge area stuffing money in her bra. She looked at me with shock.

"Hey Keisha i need to talk to you." I started as a man came out of the same door Keisha just came from.

I always knew Keisha had a side hustle..i just didn't know what.
She told the guy bye and sat on the couch beside me.  
"Ok..what is it?"
"Its about Shauna."
She sighed and got up to close the door.

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The life of Bobby (Lesbian Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz