Chapter 6

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The next morning i woke up to an empty bed. I sat up and looked over to my phone at the time. 8:15 am. I did not feel like getting up. It had to be about 3am when we got in.

I heard pans clinking in the kitchen so I reluctantly pulled myself out of bed and slid on my nike slides and walked to the kitchen.

When i got in there Rìsa was sitting at the bar and Shauna was making breakfast.

"So how long you known Bobby?" Rìsa asked Shauna as i was walking in.
She simply laughed and continued to make the eggs.

"When did you get in Rìsa?" I asked as i walk in the kitchen making an awkward silence.

"I don't remember..but im 'bout to head out." Rìsa said grabbing her bag off the other bar stool.
She took one last look at Shauna and left out.
"You didn't have to make breakfast." I started.
"Well i wanted to..after everything you did for me yesterday." She said as she turned the stove off and began to fix my plate.
"Besides..its not just for you anyway."
We both laughed.

She sat my plate in front of me and sat beside me and began to eat hers.
She dived right in.

"You going to eat or nah?"
I smiled and nodded my head and began eating. I was shocked to find out that it was actually good. All of it.
When we both were finish she took both of our plates and put them in the sink.

"Im going to go get dressed." She said leaving the kitchen and going back into the bedroom.
I followed behind her to get dressed.
I threw on a white tee and some joggers with some vans.
Shauna was in the bathroom getting dressed. I knocked on the door to get my deodorant and brush my teeth. She unlocked the door and pushed it open for me. I walked in to her fully dressed adjusting her clothes.
She looked even better than last night.
I grabbed my deodorant and turned on the sink to brush my teeth.

"I have a spare toothbrush under the sink."

She looked under the sink and grabbed the toothbrush.
We both stood in front of the mirror struggling to clean ourselves up.

It felt weird doing something together.
It wasn't was just the fact that i usually didn't make it a habit to bring girls home...let alone continue to talk to them.
Im not a player it's just relationships are not my thing or keeping numbers and remembering names.

My life is too fast for that.

"What are you looking at?"
Shauna asked breaking me out of my inner thoughts.

"Nothing..I was just daydreaming."
"Look...about last night-"
"It was fun."
"Yea..but I wasn't expecting it to happen the way it did." "I'm not saying i didn't like it or nothing..its just-"
She came up close to me and kissed me.
"I's nothing serious and i'm fine with that." "I like what we got."
She said winking at me and leaving the bathroom.
After we were finished getting dressed we got in the car and i took her home.
Her place was nice.
She got out of the car and grabbed her purse closing the door behind her.
She walked around to the driver side and i rolled the window down.

"Thanks." She said kissing me before going into her house.

And i watched her take every step.

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