Chapter 8

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After she closed the door she sat beside me and lit a cigarette.

"What about her." She asked letting the smoke drift in front of me.
I hated the smell of cigarettes so i waved the smoke out of my face. 

"Is it something off with her or something?"
"I wouldn't say off..but she is a little crazy."
"Then why do you fuck with her?"
"Shes been through a lot and sometimes it gets to her."
"What do you to her?"
"Like a flashback."
"Who was the girl she was having a argument with the other night?"
She but her cigarette out on the bottom of her shoe.

"What girl?"
"She was about 5'8..light-skin...dread head with red tips-"
"ahh shit."
"Im surprised you don't know her...everybody does." "They call her Kilo....but her real name Krystal."
"Why should i know her?"
"She a thot!"
I tried not to laugh but managed a chuckle.

"And she know for some crazy shit."

She cut my laugh short with that one.

"What does she have to do with Shauna?"
"She's part of the reason she fucked up."

My phone lit up.
*Shauna 😏* (1)
Where you at?..can you scoop me up?😩

I caught Keisha looking at my phone. She looked away when i rose my head up.

"Look..just be careful."
I got up from the couch and began to walk out of the room.

"Hey Bobby."
"Whats up?"
"See you tomorrow."

I nodded my head and walked out.
When i got to my car i got in and sat in the parking lot for a while.
I still didn't know what she meant by "shes fucked up." and what happened to her.
I looked down at my phone and looked at the time.

8:15 pm
Where tf does time go.
I pulled off from clones and headed back towards my house.
I wasn't feeling what i had on.
Once i got in the house i put my keys on the key rack and stripped down and got in the shower.
I grabbed my towel hanging on the door and wrapped it around me. I went to my walk in closet to find something to wear.
For some reason i was feeling different.
I pulled out my black leather joggers, that I hardly ever wear..A black tee and my 12s. I was set.
This time I didn't even look in the mirror..i just felt like i looked need for checking.
I grabbed my rope chain and gold watch and slipped them on.
I grabbed my phone and texted Shauna back.

Me: there in 10min
Shauna: Bet

I sprayed myself down with some cologne and grabbed my keys and headed out towards Shauna house.
I pulled up to her house and sat there and waited for her to come out.
I could see her look out her window and she waved to me. I smiled and waved back.
She walked out with a fitted black dress  with a white vest and her hair pulled back in a pony tail.

She had to be stalking me or something.

I got out of the car and opened the door for her.
I smiled and slipped down into the passenger seat. I closed her door and walked back to the driver side and hopped in.
I looked over to her scrolling through her phone.
I started to feel butterflies in my stomach. I don't know if it was because i was nervous to tell her about Rìsa or the fact that she was beautiful.
She caught me staring at her and turned to face me. I turned my
oattention back to the road before our eyes met.

"What?" She said smiling at me.
I immediately start blushing. I wiped my face to stop myself from blushing.

" would you feel about me hooking you up with a friend?"
"That's cool."

I looked over at her in shock like i was expecting her to say no.

"You sure?"
"Yeah...are you?"

The car fell silent.
What is my deal????
I keep forgetting that she is not mine.

"I mean its cool."
"Right..because we are not together."

I turned the music up to make me forget about the conversation and get rid of the awkward silence.
We pulled up to the club and the line was out the door.
I looked around for Rìsa but didn't see her.
I pulled out my phone and checked the time.
9:01 pm
Where tf is Rìsa.
I dialed her number and waited for her to answer.

"Whats up?"
"Nigga..where you at."
I could hear loud music playing in the background.

"Where you in front of the club."
"Im already here bitch! hahaha"

She had to be drunk already.

"Iight." I ended the call and walked to the entrance of the club.

"Bobby?!" i heard someone call.

I turned around to see my old friend Thomas from high school.

"Whats up man?"
I walked over to him and dapped him up.
"I haven't seen you in years man..what you been up to?"

I lifted his arms up to the sign and smiled.

"Wait wait...this you?!!"
"Well don't sound so shocked." He said with his head tilted.
"I told you i was going to do something big."
"I see."
"Who is this you got with you?"
Shauna walked from behind and waved at Thomas.

"Ooh...DAMNNN...this you?"
I blushed.
"Nah..she just a friend."
"Yeah yeah...quick!"
I buff dude with a smooth shaved head came over to us.
"Whats up boss?"
"Theses two get in free."
He unclipped the velvet rope that went across the entrance.

"Thanks man."
He nodded his head and we walked in.

You could feel the bass from the music through the floor.

Let the night begin.

The life of Bobby (Lesbian Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن