Chapter 10

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Every since last night i couldn't look at Rìsa the same. The feelings that i had for her in the beginning came back. Thoughts came rambling in my head to how it even happened. She was drunk. She probably won't even remember what happened.
I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and rolled over to see Rìsa staring at me.

" were drunk and you just fell asleep in my bed." "I changed you-"
"I know what happened bobby." She said cutting me off and smiling. She rubbed my cheek and kissed me. She sat up and got out of the bed.
What was this?
She looked at me one last time and went into the bathroom to take a shower.
I fell back into the covers and let the coolnest enclose me.
I finally got out of bed and went in my walk in closet to find something to wear. I had to work today.
I grabbed my button up maroon shirt, my black bowtie, my black pants, and my cole-hauns.
Rìsa came out of the bathroom with her sports bra and boxers on. She still had water dripping down her chest and her stomach.
I stood there and watched her as she dried off the last bit of water on her body. I bit down on my lip. I was craving her.
As she was turning her head around I took my attention away from her and walked to the bathroom.
I know she knew i was staring at her.
I closed the door behind me and ran the shower.
By the time i came out of the bathroom Rìsa was gone.
I finished getting dressed and walked out of the house.
I pulled up to clones and parked in the employee parking lot in the back.
It wasn't that packed...yet.
I grabbed my duffle bag from the back seat and went inside.
As the night progressed more and more people came in and sat at the bar. I was glad that both Keisha and Derrick were working today too. They were drinking our shit up like it was water.
A girl with ebony skin and a hour glass frame sat at the bar in front of me.

"What can i get for you?"
" Surprise me." She replied with a smirk on her face.
I mixed her up a hurricane and put a jolly rancher at the bottom of it.
I slide it to her and she winked, slid me a tip and walked away. I grabbed the tip and put it in my back pocket.
My shift went by fast. I finished cleaning off the bar and washing the glasses. I realized that i had to use the bathroom.
When i got in the bathroom both stalls were locked. I looked under one of them and saw that someone was in there. I sighed and stood in front of the stall waiting for the person to come out.
At least 5 minutes had past and the bathroom was silent the entire time.
I knocked on the door to see if they would respond.

"Are you ok?"
I began to panic..something was wrong.
I busted the door down and saw  Shauna passed out with a razor in one hand and blood dripping down the other.


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