Professor Emily Potter's First History Class

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Okay, so here it is. Everything under the line is my best friend's (who Emily Potter is based off of) words. She wrote this and even has a little note for you guys at the bottom. I've already read it and loved it and I think you will too!

When all of the students filed in and took their seats, Emily stepped up to the front of the room and surveyed the class. From the descriptions Harry and his friends gave her and Em over the years, she had a pretty good idea of who was who. She knew Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Seamus, Dean, Parvati, Lavender, Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Parkinson, and a few others, and the rest she could guess from their gender and house uniform.

"Good morning class! My name is Emily Potter and I will be your new history teacher. Now, please note that when I introduced myself I said 'history' and not 'history of magic.' This is because I believe that the Magical World should know the Nonmagical World's history as well as the Magical side. Therefore, during this course we will be learning both the Magical and Nonmagical versions of history. I hope that you will all eventually come to enjoy this class as much as I will. Before we begin today's lesson, I will tell you a bit about myself and my qualifications and then I will discuss the course and the syllabus I will pass out. Before I get to that though, I have a few maintenance issues to address. First, I have arranged a seating chart for you all. You will be paired one from each house," Emily began.

"Please gather your belongings and come to the indicated desk. Brown and Crabbe. Davis and Vane. Finnigan and Bulstrode. Granger and Goyle. Longbottom and Greengrass. Patil and Malfoy. Potter and Parkinson. Thomas and Nott. Weasley and Zabini. I am sorry if you are unhappy with your partner, but if you behave you may be able to choose your partner later in the year. I am doing this to promote House unity and if this displeases you I am sorry, but someone has to make to step to bridge the House gap, and pair projects will hopefully be the catalyst. Secondly, for this class, I will be providing notebooks, pens, and pencils from the nonmagical world for you to take notes with, because I honestly find it easier to use. If you are uncomfortable with using them, you may use parchment and quill, however I ask that you bring the items I give you to class with you as I will take a grade for that. Now, does anyone have any questions about me?"

"Yeah, you said your name was Potter, are you related to Potty over there?" Malfoy rudely asked out of turn.

"Two points from Slytherin, Mr. Malfoy, for talking out of turn, and the rudeness in what you said. You could have used polite manners and raised your hand and waited your turn and phrased that much better, but I will answer the question anyway. Yes, I am related to Harry Potter, he is my nephew. Any other questions?" was the patient response, though inside she was chanting, 'I will not strangle children. At least not on my first day.'

Hermione raised her hand and waited until she was called on before asking her question, even though she knew part of the answer already. "You said you would discuss your qualifications for the history post. What exactly are they?"

"An excellent question Miss Granger. I will give you an overview now and discuss them more in-depth later. When I was little before Hogwarts, my family would travel to different countries and my brother and I would learn different customs and histories so that we would not offend the people. That sparked my interest in history and during Hogwarts we had Binns as well, so I talked to my parents and they hired a tutor for me in the summer. Then after graduating Hogwarts, I travelled for a while and learned more and a few years later I gained my Mastery. Then I worked to gain degrees in the Nonmagical World with the help of that same tutor. Any other questions? Really? None? Okay then, I'll tell you about myself.

"I was born to Charlus and Dorea Potter the year after my brother James. My parents had trouble having children so were older when we were born. Because of this, my brother and I were both a surprise and a bit spoiled. As I said before, we travelled a lot and learned at least the basics of a few languages. When James went to Hogwarts, I was left alone for a year, so I worked my way through our library and by the time I got to Hogwarts, I was a little Ravenclaw in training. James and our father were both Gryffindors and our mother and I were Ravenclaws. Then, I would study various histories during the summer. My tutor was a squib who had kept in contact with her family and knew my mother. My father was an auror and my mother was a healer, but both were killed before my sixth year. My brother and I were both underage, so we had to have a guardian and because we were almost back at Hogwarts and she was James's godmother, Professor McGonagall became our guardian.

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