The Summer before Harry's Fifth Year

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Sirius was still trying to settle in to the wizarding world as they went to pick up Harry from the station. He trailed his sister as people passed and looked at him.

"Aunty Em! Sirius!" Harry said. He ran over and hugged them.

"Hi, Harry," Em said, "Who're your friends?" They had realised that three people were behind him.

"Oh," Harry said, "This is Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. You remember Ginny and Ron, right?"

"I sure do," Em said.

"And Ginny, Ron, and Hermione, this is my Aunt Em and her brother, Sirius, who is my godfather," Harry introduced.

Em reached out a hand and shook theirs, "Hi." She kicked Sirius.

"Ow! Oh, right, hi."

A blonde girl, Sirius didn't recognize, wandered over to Em. She had, what Sirius thought were, Spectrespecs on her face.

"Hello, Em," She said, "Hi, Sirius, Harry, and co."

"Oh, hi, Luna," Em said, "looking for nargles, I see?"

"Oh, yes," Luna said, "I've never seen so many in one place."

"Luna!" someone shouted.

"Oh, thats dad," Luna said, "I must go, bye."

"Bye, Luna," Harry and Em said.

"Who's that?" Sirius asked Em when she was gone.

"Oh, thats Luna Lovegood," Em said, "Her dad is Xenophilius, and her mom was Pandora."

"Oh, right. What happened to her?"

Harry flinched, he hated watching the pain flash across his aunt's face when she talked about someone who died.

"Um, she died in an accident," Em said. Her eyes looked a little glassy.

"Anyway," Harry said loudly, drawing everyone's attention to him, "we should probably go. Bye, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny."

"Bye," they chorused.

"Bye," Sirius and Em responded mechanically, "nice to meet you."

Em ushered Harry and Sirius out of the station and to the car. Em drove, Sirius sat shotgun, and Harry sat in the back. Harry was oddly reminded of his first trip to the mall with Em. That had been an odd day. Harry laughed. Em moved the mirror so she could see him.

"What are you laughing at, Prongslet?" she asked.

"The first day I met you, we road in the car to the mall. It was odd for me," he said shrugging.

"Oh, yes," Sirius said, "Harry's first day with Em that I never heard of."

"We never told you about it?" Em asked.

"No, I don't even know what Harry's life was like before you came," Sirius said.

Em frowned, "I only know two things about that life and you don't want to know. Plus, I don't think I want to know other than those things and I don't even what to know those."

"Oh, come on, Em," Sirius begged, "I just want to know those two things." Em made eye contact with Harry through the mirror. They came to a silent agreement.

"Okay, but only the two things I know and you have to promise you won't freak out," Em said.

"I promise."

"No, Sirius," Em said looking at him as they had stopped at a stop light, "you must swear to me."

"I swear."

"You swear what?"

"I swear that I won't freak out."

"Okay," Em said sighing, "the better one is that the only clothes Harry got were ripped, way too big, hand-me-downs from his cousin. The other one was that they... beat Harry."

Sirius let out an audible gasp, "Beat?! Harry?!" He looked furious.

"Siri, you said you wouldn't freak out," Em reminded him.

"Yeah but I didn't know it was this bad. Where are they?"

"In Azkaban, well only for a day," Em said.

"Wait, you said you didn't sleep much when you were working on cases like you have done one before."

"Yeah, I worked really hard on Harry's case. My work paid off. They were sentenced to Azkaban. It didn't help that they hate wizards and we had it at the Ministry. Now, they're in wizard jail."

"Are we going home, Aunty?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, we have to drop off your stuff before we head to the Order meeting," Em replied.

"The Order?" Harry asked.

"Oh, right," Em said, "the Order of the Phoenix, its an organization against Voldemort. We actively fight him. I'll let you meet the members before you can hang with your friends while we meet. I joined as soon as Sirius and James let me. Overprotective gits."

"I'm right here," Sirius said.

"Oh, I know." They soon arrived at Em's house. They moved Harry's trunk to his room and then apparated to a square. Dumbledore was there.

"Hello, Dumbledore," Em said politely.

"Hello, Em, Harry, and Sirius," he replied. Harry realized that number 13 of the houses was missing. Harry stared at the spot where it should have been. "Here, Harry," Dumbledore said handing Harry a paper. He read it and Dumbledore took it back. Suddenly, number 13 appeared in between 12 and 14. Harry stared.

"Home sweet home," Em said sarcastically.

"You're telling me," Sirius said. Em opened the door and ushered them inside.

"Mudbloods! Blood traitors in my home!" A picture shouted.

"Oh, shut up, Mum," Em shouted at it, shooting a spell. Em ushered them to the dining room, Harry guessed. Em introduced everyone, "And obviously you know the Weasleys, Emily and Remus." They ate a quick lunch before the adults moved the children into a different room. "Okay," Em said joining the adults again, "Dumbledore, you said you had some important news."

"Why, yes, Em, I do," he said. "Lily and James have come back to life." 

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