Blood Quill's, 5th Year Christmas Break

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Harry quickly jumped off the train ready to be at home and away from Umbridge. He knew very well that Em would be furious if she saw his hand. He kept it cover at all times.

"Mum! Dad! Em! Sirius!" Harry greeted as he hugged each of them. "Where's Remus and Emily?"

"They're back at the house waiting for us," Emily explained. "We should be off. Was there any friends you wanted to come?"

"Well, Mrs. Weasley said Ron could come and the Grangers said the same," Harry said. Both Ron and Hermione waved from behind Harry.

"Of course, you two are always welcome!" Em said happily. They all followed her to her car. Soon enough they were at Em's home. They shuffled in the door dragging their things.

"Hi, guys!" Emily said happily when they opened the door. "Dinner shall be ready in about ten minutes. " Em looked shocked.

"Emily, you didn't have to do that," Em said.

"I've decided, " Emily said ignoring Em, "that my sister needs a break for the night. Since she has been doing everything around the house." Everyone all went to the living room and sat except for Emily, who went back to the kitchen.

"Hi, Remus!" Harry greeted. Remus looked up from his book.

"Hi, Harry, Ron, and Hermione," Remus replied. Everyone chatted away to pass time. Harry reached up to scratch his forehead forgetting about the scars because of how comfortable he was.

"Harry!" Em screeched catching a glimpse of his hand. "What happened?!" She snatched his hand away from him, furious.

"I, um," Harry said nervously. Everyone was staring at him now.

"I know these marks, someone's used a blood quill on you!"

"A blood quill!" James said.

"Who was it?!" Lily said furious.

"I don't want to give her the satisfaction of her knowing it bothers me," Harry said.

"Harry," Em said softly, "you aren't giving anyone satisfaction. I know how you feel but this needs to be dealt with."

"How would you know?" Harry asked carefully.

"Because I went through something similar." Em pulled off the glove that always cover her left hand and showed it to Harry. There is almost faded letters scars said Muggle-Lover in Em's messy scrawl.

"Who-" Harry started.

"My mother," Em finished, "She was very generous with the use of blood quills and Crucios."


"Yes, anyway I know what you are going through. Do you give me permission to write to Dumbledore about this?" Harry looked shocked but nodded. Em shivered, "You have the worst aurora."

"Who's Aurora?"

"Not who, what. I was born with a rare power that could only be activated by getting out of my abusive situation at home. I'm able to sense if someone is abused. There is an aurora surrounding every abused person, the brighter it is the fresher the abuse. After awhile the abuse aurora fades if someone hasn't been abuse. Everyone's color is different, usually it's the color of their eyes. I can see that aurora. I can turn it off but I usually leave it on but I hate seeing yours and Sirius' auroras. Sirius' is a bright grey because of Azkaban and yours is a bright green, it was almost faded from the Dursleys." Lily stared at Em.

"Why wasn't I notified of this?" Lily asked.

"I dunno," Em said. Em got up and rushed upstairs only to appear a few minutes later with a letter. "Poseidon," Em said addressing the bird, "can you deliver this to Dumbledore?" The bird trilled and Em tied the letter to his leg, "Thanks." Poseidon flew off.

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