At the Trial

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Em walked confidently into the courtroom, her prepared speech in her hands. Sirius trailed her and sat in the seat.

Em put a hand on his shoulder and whispered, "I caught him." That was all she said before nodding at Harry, Emily, and Remus, who were observing. Harry looked worried.

Suddenly, the dementors started closing in on Sirius.

"Em," he whimpered. Hey, twelve years in Azkaban do that to you.

Em whirled around, "Expecto Patronum!" A silver husky burst from her wand and circled Sirius, scaring the dementors, before curling up around Sirius' feet. Em whirled around so her back was to Sirius but he could see her face because she was next to him. A look of seriousness was on her face. Sirius had never seen that look on his little sister.

"Now, everyone's here. Lets get started," Fudge announced, "Emily?" He addressed Em.

"Yes, thank you, Minister. I have proof today that my brother, Sirius Black, is innocent."

There were protests around the room.

"Quiet," Em said sharply, "if you'll let me finish please? Thank you. On the afternoon of October 24th, I received a letter from Lily and James Potter that I shall read to you now." Em cleared her throat.

(Lily= Regular, James= Italic)

"Dear Em,

Its Lily, and James. We miss you, sis. Yeah, come over. We just wanted you to know that we switched the secret keeper from Sirius to Peter. We also sent one of these to Emily and Remus, each. Yeah, so make sure they get them and its not intercepted. We miss you, Em.


Lily AND James

P.S. You'll always be our sister. Yeah."

"Yes, but how do we know that this isn't fake. Can we use Versarium on you and your brother?" Umbridge sneered.

"Yes," Em said, "If you don't trust us then yes." And so it was applied.

"Okay, what is your full name?"

"Sirius Orion Black."

"Emily Walburga Black." She gagged a little at her middle and last names. "Still need to change that middle name," Em mumbled to herself.

"Was that letter a fake?"

"No," Em and Sirius said.

"Okay, who was the Potter's secret keeper?"

"Peter Pettigrew," Em and Sirius said. It wore off after that question.

"We can't know for sure unless Pettigrew is here and he's dead."

"No, he's not," Em said.

"Thats ridiculous. He was blasted by Sirius."

"Did they find the body?"


"No spell could do that much damage, besides the angle was all wrong. That spell couldn't have come from Sirius & managed to do that much damage." Em walked over to where Emily was sitting. "The jar please, Emily."

Emily looked pleased to be rid of it and handed a jar with a rat in it over to Em. Sirius looked like he was going to get up but then realized that Em's patronus was still on his feet and he couldn't shake it.

"Stay seated, Siri," Em said sharply and he sat. Em took out the rat. "An animagus revealing charm please, Minister." The minister took out his was and shot a spell. It hit the rat and now none other than Peter Pettigrew stood before them. "Hello, Peter," Em sneered. "Have a nice stay with the Weasleys?" Everyone was still in shock. "You see," Em said clutching Peter's arm, she was always stronger than him, "Peter has been staying at the Weasley's for years. I just didn't realize it until I saw the rat himself in his true form. A rat. Versarium, please." It was applied to Peter.

"What is your name?" Em asked.

"Peter Pettigrew."

"Were you or were you not the Potters' secret keeper?"

"I was." Everyone gasped.

"How did you get to be this?"

"Well, Sirius was suppose to be it but he decided that I would be a better choice as no one would suspect me. James and Lily agreed and I told You-Know-Who where they were hiding." Fury flashed over Em's face and then it disappeared.

Em turned to the Minister, "Is that all of the proof you need because I have one more thing."

"Go on."

"James and Lily's will."


"It was never opened," Sirius said.

"Yup," Em said. "Because Harry wasn't there."

"Well, we still can't open it."

"Why not? Harry's here, right, Harry?"

"Yeah," Harry said.

"Okay," the Minister said. "Fine. I declare Sirius Black free to go and clear of all charges. Peter is guilty and is sentenced to Azkaban." They took him away and everyone filed out. Out in the hall, Em cheered and ran over to her brother. She hugged him.

"Free to go!" She shouted. Harry, Emily, and Remus ran over and hugged them.

"That was great, Em," Emily said, "I didn't know you could sound so smart."

Em laughed sarcastically and then they all laughed for real. Em had a bright smile that Sirius hadn't seen in a long time. It was contagious and he was grinning, too. Soon everyone was.

Then someone passed, "The rest of you won't last too much longer. You'll fall without your leader, the idiot, James and his stupid mudblood wife, Lily."

Em's smile dissapeared and she growled. She reached out to grab the man's sleeve but he was gone.

"I hate that guy," Em said. Harry nodded his agreement.

"Who was that?" Sirius asked. He didn't get a good look at him.

"Lucius Malfoy," Emily said. "He's a death eater, although no one can catch him doing anything."

"It's because he's got the minister in his pocket," Em whispered to them. "Anyway," she said in her normal voice, "the first thing we need to do is get you a wand."

"Right," Sirius said.

And so Sirius started to settle in the wizarding world... with his sister's help. 

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