Reluctant Sirius and Alice + Shopping

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"I dunno if this is such a good idea..." Alice said, nervously.

"That's what I'm saying!" Sirius said, waving his arms. "Have you gone insane, Em?"

"Sirius..." Remus warned.

"No, she's gone insane! How can we trust, Narcissa? She's Malfoy's wife!" Sirius exclaimed. "And the little Malfoy was mean to Prongslet."

"Okay first of all, they're standing right there," Em said, annoyed. "Secondly, you didn't see them, Sirius. I know what abuse looks like. When will you learn to trust me on stuff like this?"

Sirius scoffed and crossed his arms. "I do! It's just-"

"For once, I agree with Sirius," Alice interrupted. "I mean... not about the abuse. Won't this make us a target for the Mafloys and Voldy? And where will they stay? Don't we have enough people here?"

"Welllllll," Em said, "I figured Narcissa could stay in the guest room and Draco could stay in there or with Harry."

Alice's eyebrows furrowed. "The guest room? But didn't we fight about me leaving already?"

Sirius coughed awkwardly into his fist.

"Oh, you're not leaving. I just figured you'd move in with me," Em said nervously.

James grabbed Lily's arm. "Is this a proposal?" He whispered, causing Lily to elbow him.

"Oh," Alice muttered, "I mean. I suppose but what about Voldy?"

"I already told them they are safe here. Especially with all of us here, there's no way they'll be able to stop us," Em explained. "Plus we're already kind of a target because of Harry. We'll just have to be careful."

"And you're sure about this?" Alice asked Em carefully.

Em nodded fiercely, "You know harboring is my favorite hobby!"

Alice rolled her eyes, "Fine, but if this all goes wrong it's your fault."

. .   . .

"You really don't mind?" Draco asked Harry, nervously. He had decided to move in with Harry over moving in with his mom. The idea of sharing a room with his mom sounded too awkward, even for him.

"Draco," Harry said, "It's fine. Come on. Your mother and Em are waiting."

The trip to the mall for supplies brought back a lot of memories for Harry. It was very similar to when he first moved in with Em and when Sirius moved in with Em... And when his parents moved in. Honestly, they were becoming regulars at this mall.

Draco and Narcissa looked too terrified to ask for anything at first. Neither of them had any money and didn't want to impose on Em. So Em and Harry devised a plan. She slipped Harry some money and sent him and Draco off to shop for Draco and Em and Narcissa shopped for Narcissa. Neither of them had any idea how much money the other was spending which was a lot less limiting and nerve wracking.

"Sooooo, I'm guessing you've never been to the mall before," Harry said to Draco as they wandered off.

"Um, no. Malls are for Muggles. At least, that's what father always said," Draco responded, looking around and trying not to show his excitement.

"No worries, I hadn't either before Em. You want that?" Harry asked. Draco had stopped to look at a soft looking sweater. It was a deep green with a couple of little silver stripes along the bottom and top.

"Huh? Oh no, it just looks soft," Draco said, reaching out but not touching the fabric of the sweater.

Harry guided Draco's hand the rest of the way to the fabric. "You won't get in trouble for touching it."

Draco blushed.

"It is soft," Harry commented as he touched it for himself. He grabbed it carefully from Draco and tossed it into the shopping basket.

"Oh no, I-"

"Draco," Harry said, slightly sternly. "You need clothes. It's soft, in your size, and you obviously like it. It's perfect now, come on."

"Why had you never been to the mall before?" Draco asked. "I mean, if you're willing to share?"

Harry smiled sadly, "The Dursleys hardly let me out of the house much less to the mall. I got hand-me-downs from my cousin which were far too big. I was a very small and sickly child before I came to Em."

Draco frowned, "Father bought all of our clothes from very fancy places. It was the only gift I ever received from him... He wanted to keep the family image in check."

"Well, don't even think about the family image today. How would you like to dress?" Harry asked.

"Hmmm," Draco thought hard about this. "I think... maybe still posh but with a slight edge."

"Edge?" Harry asked. "Okay, I can work with that!"

Harry dressed a bit edgy himself, he was raised by Em after all. He stuck to dark jeans, flannels, and band t-shirts mostly when he wasn't at school. He loved his jean jacket with a few pins, and he did like a little bit of accessories though with belts and necklaces and rings. He tended to stick with converses and vans as shoes and always left his hair messy.

They picked out mostly dark clothes and simple shirts with gray jeans (some with rips in them). A couple sweaters and gray collared shirts to go under them. Shoes were next with converses and vans plus a set of combat boots. Green was definitely a dominant color along with one or two pops of dark red (pressured by Harry).

Finally, they stopped at jackets. Harry picked out two hoodies for Draco. When Draco began to complain, Harry said he needed them for warmth, no matter how much of a Muggle they made him look like.

Draco suddenly froze in his tracks, causing Harry to follow his eyes to a mannequin with a gorgeous deep gray peacoat on it. Draco reached out, feeling the quality of the coat.

"You want it?" Harry asked again.

Draco was suddenly shaken out of his stupor. "Huh?! No! It's way too expensive. I could never ask."

"Draco. Money is no problem. If you want it, you want it," Harry said. "Plus you need something to keep you warm anyway. It gets cold here."

"B-but- but-"

"Ah ah, no buts. Come on. Try it on," Harry said, grabbing the coat and holding it out to Draco.

Draco hesitantly slipped it on and looked in the mirror. It fit like a glove. He adored it.

"Perfect," Harry said, appearing behind Draco in the mirror smiling.

Draco blushed again. Harry was going to be the death of him. 

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