Em's DADA Class

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Yay! I'm finally updating. Hope you guys like the new chapter, I know its not much but I need to write about Emily's History of Magic class after this before I can get us to some action. Again, I'm sorry for not updating and the fact that updating may be kind of sparatic. I'm super busy with school right now and I hope I can pick it up.

Anyway! You're not here to read me rambling. Onto the story!

Harry was actually excited for school the next day. Sadly he didn't have Em's class til after lunch and Emily's just before dinner.

In transfiguration, Minnie had gotten on to him for doodling and Harry wanted to argue he hadn't but when he looked down there was a husky and an owl on his paper. He'd doodled them without realising. Minnie cast a spell as she passed and winked at him. She'd made the doodles come to life and they were then chasing each other along the parchment.

The day seemed to drag on but soon it was time for Em's class. They entered to see a husky seemingly asleep on the desk. The desks were in perfect order but the room felt like a totally different one.

When the students entered the dog cracked open an eye. It jumped down and shook out its fur. Then it transformed and stood in front of the class was, infact, Em.

"Hullo!" She chirped.

"Hi," the class replied surprised by the transformation.

"Aw. You guys are no fun. I said, hullo."

"Hello," the class replied a bit louder.

"Perfect. Now, I'm aware that your lessons have been a bit... ah, irregular but you've all learned so much. True, we'll have to start the year over. After all you can't learn everything from a book." Hermione's hand shot into the air. "Yes, Miss. Granger?" Em asked winking.

"So, we won't be using books what-so-ever?" This made the class murmur.

"No, I didn't say that. Many spells are not safe to use in a classroom setting and many theories must be read before they are tested. We will have books but not for the first few lessons. I have to get a head count before I order some more. Oh, and you don't have to raise your hand. As long as you guys don't get out of control, we'll be fine."

"So, we're not going to use these books?"

"No. I'm ordering some new ones."

At that fact, the class realised that Em would be different than Umbridge. This made them murmur in excitement. Em smiled slightly before speaking up.

"Anyway, we're going to work on your dueling skills and wand work. I'm going to put you in pairs and we're going to work with any spell you've got. Any spell you know. I'll also show you a few spells that might help." Harry cheered silently. This class was sounding more and more fun. Em quickly paired up everyone 'till she was met with the last four. "Hm. Harry, you with Neville and, Ron and Hermione, you pair up. Don't get yourselves into any trouble."

"Harry?" Neville asked his aunt, "But he's one of the best in the class! I'll get skewered!"

"I wouldn't let Harry do that to you. Besides, Neville, you're wonderful at this. Well, I would assume so."

"I'm terrible, it's like my wand won't listen." Em, who had turned around, froze and turned back around.

"It won't listen to you?"

"I guess you could say that."

"May I see it?"

"Sure." the rest of the class had begun but Harry watched his aunt study the wand.

"No wonder it won't listen to you! It's not your wand!"

"Yes it is."

"No, this is your father's wand. Wands are weird, its like they have their own soul. They choose the owner."

"'The wand chooses the wizard'," Harry remembered.

"Exactly. They're loyal to their owner. The only way to get someone else's wand is to beat them in a duel or kill them. Then it will become yours but you've never fought your father and he's still alive so it still belongs to him. Neville, I'm going to write your grandmother this afternoon and hopefully we can get you on this weekend. You'd have to be very powerful to use someone else's wand, Neville."

The rest of the class passed happily. Neville had to continue practicing with his father's wand. After class, Harry told his friends he would meet them in the library to study and stayed behind.

"What did you think of the class?" Em asked Harry.

"It was fun. It reminded me of the DA," Harry replied to his aunt. Harry had accidentally let the DA secret slip to Em but she didn't tell anyone and was completely cool about it. She actually gave him a few tips on how a few spells he wouldn't learn for a bit of time.


"Actually, speaking of the DA do you think you could help us? Like so it could become an actual club?"

"Yeah, sure that'd be cool. I could get Emily and Minnie to help if you'd like?"

"That'd be awesome. Thanks!"

"You're welcome. Now get to where ever you have to go I don't want you to be late." Harry nodded happily before dashing off to tell his friends the good news.

Okay! So I hope you guys liked it. 

I also have some news about Emily's nickname. In the past chapters, her nickname was Birdbrain but that was never going to be her permant nickname, I was just waiting for the girl Emily is based off of to decide on her name. Yeah, I just said Emily is based off someone. She's based off my best friend and Em is, in fact, loosely based off of me. 

Anyway, I'm getting off topic. Emily's nickname has been decided. The nickname is... Sage! So yeah. If I call anyone Sage in the next chapters, just know, its Emily. 


A Family to Love YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora