Coming Out...s?

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"So you saw your brother and Mum and Dad?" James asked.

Em nodded, "I've spoken to Dumbledore about the things and he's looking into it."

"It's kinda crazy but honestly? At this point, I'm not really surprised," Sirius said, "I mean, James and Lily were dead for crying out loud."

"The only thing I think is a little crazy is that you came home just to tell us this," Remus said. "Who's looking after your class?"

"Emily and Minnie. I already told them and they covered for me. Poppy was ready to kill me if I didn't come home, so here I am," Em said with a slight smile. "Plus! It was only a few days before term ended. Speaking of which," Em said with a little flourish of her arm and at that moment the Emily and Harry stepped out of the fireplace.

"Em!" Harry exclaimed, throwing his arms around Em.

"Sometimes, I think she's from the future," Sirius muttered.

Emily rolled her eyes. "I texted her," She said, holding up her phone.

Everyone else nodded their heads in understanding.

"No love for anyone else?" James asked, ruffling Harry's hair.

"Oh, sorry, I was just-"

Suddenly before Harry could finish, there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Harry offered, eager to escape a little trouble. He quickly ran off to the front door. A little talking was heard, too far away to really hear, before Harry returned. A guest stood behind him, pulling at her hands. "She said she knows you, Auntie?"

Everyone turned and several people gasped.

Emily ran up to the woman behind Harry, "Alice!!" She wrapped her arms around Alice, "What are you doing here! Well, I mean obviously you're here to see Em. Oh Merlin. We're sorry you probably had to-"

The girl rushed forward causing Harry to tense at the stranger's sudden movements.

"You idiot!" She exclaimed, with a smack to Em's arm. "Could you not have saved your brother in a less sacrificial way! And why haven't you been responding to my letters?! You self sacrificing piece of-"

"Woah, Alice. Children!" James said, covering Harry's ears lightly.

"Oh right. Hello, everyone. Sorry for my entrance. She just really grinds my gears sometimes," Alice said.

"In more ways than one," Sirius muttered, earning a smack from Remus.

"Wait, what? Who is this random French lady and why is everyone being so weird?" Harry asked.

Alice gasped, turning to Em, "You didn't tell Harry about me?!"

Em blushed, "Sorry, I was-"

"Nope, now I'm offended," Alice said, crossing her arms and sitting on the couch roughly. "I'm Em's ex-girlfriend."

"Ex?" Sirius asked.

"Girlfriend?" Harry asked.

"To answer your question first, Sirius. Yes, ex. Em and I broke up not long after I left Hogwarts. We managed to stay in touch due to me but this self-sacrificing POS 'didn't want to drag out my feelings'," Alice said. "Not ours, mine. She didn't care one bit about hers but when it came to me she was immediately terrified. Anyway, yes, Harry, girlfriend. We dated during our fourth year of school. I was from Beauxbaton and it was the Triwizard Tournament..."

"Em's gay?" Harry asked, still very confused.

Everyone turned to Em.

"You didn't tell Harry that you're bi??" Sirius asked. "Oh, Merlin. Did I tell Harry I'm bi?"

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