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Note: I'm sorry if this one is a bit short and they updating slows down because my updating has caught up with my writing, but I'm going to start uploading a story called Watching AMVP which is where the characters in this will be watching A Very Potter Musical! It should be up soon and will also be posted on Mondays. 

Exciting news! I have actually chose a permanent nickname for Emily. Before it was just birdbrain, I found that to be more of a little thing Em would call her best friend to tease her. Emily's nickname was made up by the real girl Emily was based off of, my best friend, and shall be called Sage as her Marauder name. 

Em's PoV

I had managed to keep the change of job a secret from Harry & his friends. Of course, Emily accepted saying that if they still had Professor Binns then there sure was a need for a new teacher. The break continued as normal & soon Christmas was here. I got up super early to get ready. The Weasley's were to come over early & I had made breakfast for everyone. Luna & her father came too & so did Neville & Agusta. I even invited the Grangers.

"Hello, Molly," I said as they came through the floo. It was a surprise for the other residents of my house. "It's a pleasure to see you all again."

"Hello, Em," Molly replied. "It was very nice of you to invite us over."

"Yes, well, Christmas is about family & if Harry considers you family then you're my family too." Molly smiled at me. "Hello, Arthur, how's it going at the Ministry?"

"Not bad," he replied.

"That's good. Hello, Percy."

"Hello, Em."

"Hello, Fred, George."

"Hey, Emmy!"

"You all can go to the living room breakfast is almost ready." I then rushed off upstairs. I quickly knock on Lily & James' door.

"Yes?" James said groggily.

"It's time to get up! Get dressed & come down stairs." I then went off to knock on Emily's door. She answered, her hair was a mess & she was rubbing her eyes. "Emily, Happy Christmas! Get dressed before you come downstairs."

I then knocked on Sirius' door. He did not reply so I came in jumping up & down on his bed happily. He groaned and pulled the blanket over his head.

"Come on, Siri, get up & get dressed it's Christmas!" That woke him up & I went off to wake up Remus. I then knocked on Remus' door. He answered as well.

"Happy Christmas, Em," he said groggily.

"Happy Christmas, Remy. Get dressed and head downstairs." I then rushed off to knock on the last door. "Harry! Ron! Hermione! Happy Christmas! It's time to get up." I had helped Harry & his friends make two pallets in the floor out of extra blankets for Ron & Hermione.

"Okay!" I heard Harry call out. I rushed back down downstairs as the doorbell rang.

"Hello, Mrs. & Mr. Granger, I'm glad the two of you could make it," I said politely.

"Please, Em, call us Jean & Xavier," Jean said.

"Okay, the kids will be right down, you can put their gifts under the tree." I had asked the guests to bring the children's gifts so they could open them together. I lead them to the living room. Suddenly, the fire flared up & Augusta, then Neville stepped out.

"Hello, Augusta, Neville," I greeted.

"Hi, Aunty Em," Neville greeted. Harry, Neville, & Luna liked to call me Aunty because I had always acted like an Aunt to them.

"Hello, Em," Augusta greeted. Now, Luna stepped out of the fireplace.

"Hi, Aunty, I'm sorry but Dad couldn't make it, he had urgent business in America & would like to ask if I could spend a few nights here," Luna greeted.

"That would be fine, Luna, this house is always open."

"Thank you."

"So I think that's everyone, except for everyone upstairs," I said. That's when everyone decided to come down, Harry was still in his pajamas & everyone else fully dressed. Harry turned slightly pink at the fact he was in his pajamas in front of everyone. He turned quickly, ran upstairs, & appeared a minute later, fully dressed.

"Whats everyone doing here?" James asked.

"Oh," I said innocently, "Did I forget to mention it? Well, I wasn't just going to have Ron & Hermione not spend Christmas morning with their families. Plus Harry thinks the Weasleys to be part of his family & that makes them apart of mine."

"You did this for us?"

"Of course, plus Neville & Luna always come over for Christmas the time just changes. It was simple really."

"It doesn't matter that it was simple," Harry said, "it was the thought." He hugged his Aunt, "Thanks for the gift."

"You think this was your gift?" Em asked laughing slightly, "Harry, how long have you been staying with me? And you still have such low expectations."

Harry smiled at his parents. After breakfast, everyone sat down in the living room. Em decided to pass out the gifts.

"How about we go in order of age? Youngest to oldest?" Emily asked. Everyone nodded. They each opened their presents in order. After that they sat around the kitchen table & ate some pancakes. People talked about their presents & thanked each other. 

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