Part 17

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Chapter Seventeen

Gemma watched from her seat at the picnic table as Cam got out of her car and walked towards her as she put her cropped black leather jacket on over her strapless black lace peplum top that was paired with jeans and strappy black heels.

"Hi Gem." Cam said as she sat next to Gem on top of the table just as a sweet butt walked out with two beers, quickly handing one to each of them before leaving.

"Hi Cam, heard you left quite an impression on the highway." Gemma replied with a smile just as Piney and Opie joined them, chuckling at her words.

"Oh! Timing probably could have been better but I set a few rules." Cam replied before twisting the top off and taking a large mouthful of beer.

"Oh we all know, I think every brother has heard of the 'no wife pussy' rule you set by now." Piney chuckled before he tipped the tequila towards her.

"We aren't exactly normal." Cam replied smiling despite how serious she was about that rule.

"You defiantly aren't." Gemma replied smiling as they all heard the familiar and welcome sound as the men pulled into the lot one by one. Piney, Gemma and Opie all stood but Cam remained seated until Chibs turned, looked at her and smiled.

Chibs couldn't help but smile as he found Cam sitting across the top of the table already watching him through the mass of brothers, old ladies and sweet butts. He quickly made his way past everyone and over to her, standing in between her legs.

"Hi." He said smiling.

"Hi." She replied looking up at him with a smirk, as she placed her hands flat on his chest up under his kutte.

"Want to take me home?" She asked seeing him smirk.

"Oh aye. We'll get your car later." He told her as he hauled her off the table and threw her over his shoulder making her laugh, and capturing everyone's attention as he carried her past them to his bike.

Chibs put her down on the bike before getting on himself, pulling out of the lot fast without so much as a word to anyone else, enjoying having her behind him again as he sped through Charming to his place.


Chibs followed Cam into his house, instantly noticing that she'd been in and had cleaned up. He reached out and grabbed her arm lightly once they were in the bedroom, turning her around to face him instantly catching the wariness that  was on her face.

"What's going on in the head of yours?" He asked hoping silently that she wasn't regretting her choice already even though he knew they had lots to talk about.

"Did...oh god I can't believe I'm asking've used protection with anyone you've been with right?" She asked cautiously, hating to be even asking the question.

"I only slept with Fi once and I used a condom...there was no one else, I promise." He replied understanding her reservations and realising that she wasn't ready to have sex again just yet.

"Let's just lay in bed together, no sex tonight." Chibs told her just wanting her in his arms again.

"Hmmm...ok." She replied before biting her bottom lip.

Chibs stripped down to his boxers and climbed into the bed while Cam walked into the bathroom and stripped out of her clothing except for her panties, put an oversized old threadbare shirt on and removed her makeup before she walked out and joined Chibs in the bed.

She laid on her side pressed up against him, her head rested on his shoulder and her arm across his chest with her hands mindlessly playing with his rosary.

Chibs was watching Cam before he caught sight of her scarred wrists, he knew instantly that they were from when she was held, when she was handcuffed. He bought his free hand up to her wrist and ran his fingers gently over the plain scar realising that there were permanent indents in her skin, her flawless silky smooth skin that was now marked because of him.

"I'm sorry." Chibs whispered.

"Me too." Cam whispered back as she brushed her fingertips over his cheek.

"I love you." He whispered as he took her hand from his face and kissed her fingertips.

Cam pulled her hand away slowly and rose up on her knees, Chibs looked up at her before he too sat up against the headboard and grasped her hips, lifting her so that she was straddling him as she had that look of wanting to talk, he knew they needed too but he was hoping to delay it.

"I'm going to want a baby Filip, not now but one day, and I need to know if that's what you want too." She told him figuring to start with the big stuff before working their way down to the small stuff, immediately feeling him tense underneath her.

"I don't want another child Cam." He told her letting the statement hanging in the air as he watched her process it.

Cam climbed out of his lap and sat down on the other side with her knees to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs.

"Ok." Cam replied eventually, letting the fact he didn't want children with her settle in her brain.

"I'm sorry." Chibs told her.

"Don't be sorry, you answered honestly." She told him softly as she uncurled herself and climbed back into his lap, straddling him.

She placed her hands on either side of his neck, her thumbs brushing along his jaw as she leaned her forehead against his, his hands slipped under her shirt and came to a rest of her hips, his own thumbs running small circles over the bone.

"I want you Filip, show me you love me." She whispered out needing to feel him, needing him close.

"Cam..." He trailed off not wanting to take advantage of her vulnerability.

"Please Filip, show me you love me, I need to feel it..." She begged softly, almost hushed as she let her walls crumble.

He relented realising just how much she needed it, he needed her to know that he loved her and the words weren't enough anymore after everything she'd been through she needed to feel the love  he had for her... And in that moment he realised truly how much he'd hurt her...

"Cam..." He trailed off again as he lifted one of his hands to her face and cupped her cheek, his thumb brushing along her soft lips.

He kissed her passionately trying to convey all the emotion that he could in a kiss before he pulled back to look at her; he slid his hands down her body slowly until he was at the hem of her shirt, he grabbed the fabric in his hands and slowly lifted it over her head then dropping it to the floor.

He lowered her down onto the bed and settled in between her legs on his knees after getting rid of his boxers and her panties. He leaned down and captured her lips with his, slow and strong, as his hands caressed her body softly, almost delicately before he pulled back to look at her, catching sight of her now plump lips but the sadness still lingered in her eyes.

He dipped his head again and trailed small kisses all over her body watching as goosebumps formed across her flawless skin until he got to her core and placed her tongue flat against her, tasting her slowly until she tensed and silently orgasmed.

He sat back up and then held himself up enough that his weight wasn't all on her but he was still pressed against her as he lined his hardened length with her core; he lifted his hand to her cheek and stroked his thumb across the bare skin as he sunk the entire way into her as her hands laid flat on his shoulders as he began to move slowly...

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