Part 4

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Chapter Four

The black 1966 Ford Mustang with its tinted windows pulled into the near empty Teller-Morrow lot late in the afternoon as Gemma walked out of her office and slid her sunglasses on, heading to meet Piney who was sitting at the picnic table in the shade for respite from the hot weather.

Gemma watched as the familiar woman got out of the car and looked around the lot with a small smile on her face, but couldn't place her. She heard the bikes coming before she saw them pull into the lot and park in line.

Chibs rode in as he caught sight of Cam stood next to her car, sunglasses covering her eyes, she had ripped black skinny jeans on with a loose grey tank with a skull print and a light mint green and white bralet on underneath, as well as a set of black heels. He quickly took his helmet off and then got off his bike, crossing the lot as he pulled his gloves off knowing that everyone was watching.

"Hi hon." She greeted as she grabbed hold of his kutte as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Hi beautiful." He said before he leaned down and kissed her, slipping his spare key into her hand, as whistles, shouts and clapping sounded making the two pull apart and laugh.

"Nothing like an audience." She said before he quickly pecked her nose.

"Aye. I'm not able to leave here yet, have a few things to deal with." He told her honestly.

"That's alright, I'll find my way but I thought I'd hit the grocery store first so I can cook dinner." She replied knowing she was early as well.

"Sounds good. I'll see you at home." He replied quietly before he let go of her, opened the door for her so she could get in.

"See you at home, have fun answering the questions." She giggled knowing just how big of gossips men were, despite the claims they weren't.

He simply leaned into the car, kissed her again before stepping back and shutting the door as she started the car. He watched as she reversed out and then drove out of the lot before turning to his brothers, Gemma, a few crow-eaters and hangarounds and seeing them all watching with questioning looks. He shook his head before he made his way back across the lot, stopping to kiss Gemma's cheek before continuing in to the clubhouse in need of an ice cold beer.

"Who the hell was that fine piece of young pussy brother?" Tig asked with a smirk across his lips as soon as he walked into the clubhouse with the others.

"Watch it brother." Chibs warned, his voice low and his accent a little thicker, catching everyone's attention especially Gemma's as they realised she wasn't just a piece of pussy but someone special to him.

"Solves the mystery of where you've been disappearing off to for months now." Piney chuckled as he took the seat next to Chibs at the bar, pouring himself some tequila.

"Months?" Tig borked, shocked that he'd missed it.

"Upset you didn't notice Tigger?" Bobby chuckled as everyone else has noticed that Chibs had been disappearing once things were done for the day and had steered completely clear of crow-eaters and sweet-butts at home and on the road.

"Aye." Chibs confirmed that it had been months with a single word, as everyone looked at him as if they were seeing double.

"How many months?" Gemma asked wanting to know how serious it was and if this woman was old lady potential despite Chibs' being married.

"A few." He replied vaguely knowing that Gemma was fishing for information.

"So when do we get to meet this mystery woman brother?" Jax asked with his signature smirk.

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