Part 15

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Chapter Fifteen

Clay finished his phone call and tossed the phone back to Tig as he joined the guys again.

"Devon wants a meet this afternoon, got info that we need, at an access road off of the highway." Clay informed the men.

"Full ride?" Jax questioned weary of Devon's intentions.

"Yeah, everyone including Chibs." Clay replied having suspicions of his own.

"We all know Devon doesn't make a move without Cam's say so." Opie stated.

"We don't know anything especially as Cam's still out of town." Clay replied pointedly.


Cam looked at the assembled crew...Devon, Jimmy, Georgia and Leon...and all their cars. She walked out of the warehouse and over to her silver and red and black striped 2002 Nissan Fairlady Z 33, sliding her aviator sunglasses on as she opened the door.

"You ready?" She asked as she looked down the line, earning various nods in reply.

She simply got in her car, started it and pulled out of the lot with all four cars following close behind her as they headed towards Charming and the access road as they planned to be there before the club.

Just over forty minutes later the five pulled off the highway and down the dirt access road, coming to a stop in a "v" formation but all remained in their cars as ordered, knowing that the windows were tinted so dark meant you couldn't even see that a person was in the cars.

She watched as a full ride of Sons came towards them and parked in a line opposite them, catching sight of Chibs for the first time since he walked out of her house as all the men removed their helmets and got off their bikes, clearly high on alert.

Cam took a deep breathe before she opened her door and stepped out with Devon doing the same just as she closed her door and gave him a small nod, seeing the shocked Sons faces.

"Travelling a little thick aren't you?" Clay asked.

"Well getting run off the road by a pissed off Irishman makes one travel a little thick." She replied with a hint of sarcasm.

"Fair enough. Why are we here?" Clay asked.

"Just sharing." Cam replied as she signalled Devon to join them which he did as he laid a map over the hood of her car.

"Got a crew hijacking trucks up through here, not one of ours but we're dealing with them." Devon informed Clay and Jax as he pointed out the marked map.

"And how are you dealing with an outside crew?" Jax asked Cam.

"Not your concern Prince...we'll reach out once it's sorted." Cam told him coldly, somewhat more steeled and resolved before tapping Devon's shoulder as he quickly packed up the map and walked back to his car. Cam opened the door to her own car and got in, shutting the door, and starting her engine, before pulling out at speed with the rest of her crew behind her, leaving the Sons in a cloud of dust.


Chibs watched from the safe distance of his bike as he looked at Cam, noticing the subtle changes in her since the last time he had seen her besides her hair...she'd lost weight, looked emotionless and exhausted...he watched the exchange along side his brothers that had hung back and scanned the area on alert.

"You alright brother?" Juice asked quietly.

"Aye." Chibs replied with his eyes still firmly fixed on Cam as she got into her car, and the five cars speed away, leaving behind a cloud of dust.

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