Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14

“We’re here,” I poked Damien to wake him up.

He didn’t move. I poked him again.


Nothing. I was about to poke him again, but harder when he jumped up.

“Boo!” He shouted, causing me to jump.

“What the hell?” I pouted.

“Oh shush. You know you love me,” he taunted.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, stretching. I grabbed my suitcase and followed Mary and Mr. Henderson off of the plane, where we were greeted by three men in dark suits. Think Men In Black: They even had the dark glasses and earpieces to go with it.

“Right this way,” one of the spoke, leading us down a hallway and out of a door.

This must be a private terminal or something.

“Your driver is waiting,” he motioned to a black SUV.

Not suspicious at all. Mr. Henderson and Mary sat in the second row, Damien and I in the back.

“Where are we staying?” I questioned.

“A hotel owned by the ACI, for cases just like this. We have a few, in the largest and most crime ridden cities. L.A, Las Vegas, New York,” he began listing a few, and I nodded to show my understanding.

“Will they find us?” Damien asked.

“Maybe, but it’s unlikely. It’s a pretty unique building. The might see us go in or out of it, but they’ll never figure that we’re staying there. You’ll see when we get there,” Mr. Henderson answered. “I’d suggest that you work on playing your part as a couple, but I see that you did enough of that on the plane.”

Damien and I shared a glance.

“Well, at least you’ll be convincing,” Mary added.

“I think their like, trying to set us up or something. They wont stop commenting on us,” I mentioned to Damien.

“Well, what do you say?” He turned to me as the car halted in front of what looked like an office building.

Mr. Henderson and Mary got out of the car.

“To what?” I continued to unbuckle by seatbelt.

“A date,” he spoke, following Mary and Mr. Henderson into the building.

“Ha ha, very funny,” I replied.

“I’m not joking,” he spoke quietly.

Mary and Mr. Henderson waved us over to the elevator, and we got inside. They clicked a series of buttons before we were lifted up. Glancing at Damien, I smiled.

“Sure,” I looked down at my feet. “Why not?”


It's short, but it's going places!

Ahhh, no ones commenting any more! It's like....all the people that liked this story disapeared. COME BACK!!

Song: Terrible Things

Artist: Mayday Parade

Album: Voldosta

I'm learning the piano to it. :D Isn't it beautiful!?

Famous Last WordsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang