Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

“This car has been following me since I left training,” I mumbled to myself. “What, do they think I’m stupid?”

I turned on the next street and continued driving. The car continued following me. It was a solid black SUV with heavily tinted windows. If that doesn’t scream sketchy gang member, I don’t know what does. I continued driving aimlessly as I used the voice control feature to try and call Mary.

“Would you like to access phone, navigation, information, audio, or help?” The machine voice asked.

“Phone,” I commanded.


“NO! Not navigation!”

“Please say a city name.”

I give up. I cancelled and glanced in the rearview mirror to confirm that the car was still following me. I reached into my bag and pulled out my phone.

“Skye, honey? Are you okay?” Mary answered on the second ring.

“No, I’m most definitely not. This black car has been following me since I left, and I don’t know what to do! I’m already taking random turns to try and lose them,” I said in defeat.

“Okay. Pick up the speed. If you don’t lose them you need to-”




The line went dead. I glanced at my phone and saw that it died. The black car was even closer now. It looks like I’m in a neighborhood. I sped up and took the next left, and then took a sharp right. My adrenaline pulsed through my veins and I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. I didn’t see any possible turns to take. I looked ahead and saw that the street was a dead end. Beyond two posts was a park. My fight or flight instinct kicked in. I’m going to have to run. I unlocked my door and put my bag on my shoulder, still driving to the end of the street. I threw my phone in my bag and grabbed my gun before I stopped abruptly and jumped out of the car.

“She’s running!” A gruff voice shouted, prompting me to run faster.

Incredibly glad that I wore my converse today, I jumped over the chain that linked the two posts at the end of the street together. My long legs carried my body so fast they almost gave out, and I heard multiple footsteps gaining on me. I searched the park for an exit, and spotted a parking lot. I continued sprinting towards it, breathing heavily.

“Call Maurice! Tell him we got her. She’s heading towards Broadway!”

By now I had reached the parking lot. I didn’t see anyone, or any cars. Of course, it was almost pitch black out. I assumed it was almost nine. I continued running, pushing myself harder than I ever have. My long hair whipped my face, and I felt it bounce on my back.

“She’s a fast little one,” a new voice said with a chuckle.

They were clearly enjoying the chase. I ran past a street sign, and much to my dismay, it said Broadway. This Maurice guy was going to corner me. I saw a different residential street, and ran down it. I saw a car pulling into a garage and ran even faster, my feet pounding against the pavement.

“Sir!” I shouted at the man who was now getting out of his car.

He didn’t hear me, and began to shut the garage door. My strength was wearing thin, and the men were now only a few feet behind me. I looked at the end of the street and saw that it lead to a dock.

“Only in California,” I mumbled.

I ran to the dock, and it instantly began to wobble. I stumbled a few times, and proceeded to a boat at the end. It would work perfectly. Mentally apologizing to the owner, I hopped onto the bow. I continued along the boat until I reached the end. I shoved my gun in my back pocket, and stashed my bag behind a seat.

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