Chapter 19

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Yasmine's POV

I'm so cold. What happen to the heater? Daddy should fix it ASAP. I opened my eyes and it all pitch black. When did I gone home? "You shouldn't be in here," a voice startled me. I searched for the voice. "Who are you?" I asked no one in particular.

Am I gone mad? "No you're not mad, just stupid. Look behind you," I turned and I was about to have a heart attack. It's Ivy AND Nadia. I'm pretty sure my mouth fell to the ground. "Close that mouth of yours," the bossy Ivy said. Yup that's Ivy alright.

"Hi Athilia," wait. Did she just call me Athilia? Only Nadia call me that. "Athilia, it's me. Nadia," I can't see clearly because my tears blinding me. "W-hat? W-here is this?" I said, trying to control my tears. She smiled.

"Nadia?" my voice cracked. She smiled. That all familiar smiled, that smiled who greet me first thing in the morning. She walked towards me. "Athilia. I missed you so much," she hugged me. She still smells like lavender. I miss her. I miss her too much. I hugged her back.

"You shouldn't be here. You're not dead yet," Ivy said making Nadia and I pulled away from each other. "Where is here actually," I asked Ivy who still look like her old self, bitchy as always. But she's the best. "We actually don't know what this place call. We just called it The Pit," Nadia explained.

This is so horror movie thing happening right now and I don't like it. Ivy snapped her fingers to gain my attention. "How's Tasha Yas?" she asked, her expression changed. "She's been okay, crazier than usual. But she's okay," she nodded.

"How's your relationship with Cara?" Nadia spoke beside me. When did she get there? Wait a minute, how did they know my relationship with Cara?! They both, well, gone. "You really shouldn't think out loud. Our body might be rotten, but our spirit can travel," Ivy said. Nadia nodded in agreement.

I was about to answered them when I heard a faint cry. Too faint, but I can hear it. "Do you hear that?" Nadia asked me. I nodded. She smiled. "That's Cara. She's waiting for you Athilia. Go back to her. She needs you to be there," Nadia took my hand and walked me through a door.

"Oh and Athilia," I turned to meet her eyes. "I approved. Marry Cara. She's perfect," with that she waved and I opened my eyes in a very weird looking room. I can see my parents and brother on the couch, sound asleep.

I looked at my left side to see Natasha's head resting on my arm. On my right, I can see Cara's head; she's not asleep like the others. I think she's crying. I moved my right hand, making her jolted up. "Yassy?!" she yelled. Wow! Never knew she's a screamer, except when we had sex.

My family all gather at the bed, asking me how I am. What do you expect when you got shot! I feel like shit. I feel a slight pain beneath my left breast as I try to sit up straight. Tasha saw I flinched and held me. "Don't move yet. The wound is still recovering," she said, slowly putting me down.

"Did you find anyone?" I managed to ask her. She shook her head. "Grandpapa said he will handle it. For now, you need to rest. He will come tomorrow," she kissed my temple and bid me good bye. Daddy and mommy did the same.

"I'll stay here with Cara," Lucas said. My parents nodded. Natasha waited for or parents to be outside the room. "Harry will be guarding the door outside. Some of his men will guard the hospital entrance as well," she said to me. She turned to Lulu.

"Use the gun when necessary," Lulu nodded. Wait, what gun? She turned to Cara. "Use the teaser when needed," Cara nodded. And Tasha turned to me. "I'll be back tomorrow morning. I love you Yasmine," she kissed my forehead and walked out the room.

"I'll take the first watch. You can sleep," Cara said to Lulu. He nodded and closes his eye as he lay on the couch. "You scared me," Cara said when she sits next to me. "I know. I'm sorry," I said as I wiped her tears. "Stop crying, please," she looked at my eyes with her tear stained orbs.

"I thought you will ....," she can't say the word. "Nothing can kill me as long as you right beside me Cara," I said. "Come here, I want to kiss you. I can't exactly move," she chuckled. She kissed my lips with passion. So much love pouring out of me as I kissed her back.

We ended up talking the whole night, kissing each other, make out a little. A little before 5 AM Lucas received a call from grandpapa's men. "Yasmine, they found the guy who shot you," good. He needs to pray hard for his life after this.

Damien Christ POV (Grandpapa)

I watched as my men dragged an unconscious boy in front of me. How dare he try to kill my granddaughter! He will pay for this. Everyone will pay! "Wake him," I command my men. Viper splashed a bucket of water on his face.

This, boy coughed some blood out of his mouth and stained my shoe. "Hold him," Viper did as said. I attached my stained shoe at his lower abdomen. "Why do you try to kill my granddaughter? Do you know who I am?" I asked him calmly.

He decided to play the silent. We can play this game all day long boy. I nodded at Viper to proceeds his torture method. I walked towards a chair and sipped my vodka. Viper equips his right knuckle with brass knuckle and repeatedly punches his face.

"Stop," Viper walk a step back. I looked at this boy. "I'll ask again. Why so you try to kill Yasmine?" he looks at me with his filthy eye. "Kendall," he spit the blood in his mouth. "Kendall Jenner hired me. She wants Cara to be hers," I turned to Viper.

"Send him to the police," he nodded. I called Tasha and tell her what I gather. She said she will handle it. I proceed to my bedroom and rest. I need to see my granddaughter tomorrow .....






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