Chapter 8

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Yasmine's pov

I can't believe I'm walking side by side with my crush. Yes, I admit it. She's my crush now. Can you believe it, Cara the supermodel is my crush. Of course I will not tell her that on our first lunch together. That would be creepy. Even for me. I decided to let my hair fall freely from the bun. It's too formal, even for me.

Cara was eyeing me. "You have such beautiful hair," she said. I blushed. "T-hanks," I replied, stuttering. Did she just say I'm beautiful? 'No you idiot! She complimented your hair. Not you' my brain decided to butt in. "Shut up mind!" I said mentally. "It looks like you have an argument with yourself there," Cara spoke beside me with her beautiful smile plastered on her face.

"Um, n-othing," I said and laughed nervously. "You have a really cute laugh," she said and grinned. Oh dear God, please resuscitate my heart back. I think I just died. Suddenly, a manly voice spoke .... "Miss Yasmine, the car is ready," Petrus decided to ruin my moment. Thank you Mr. Vagina blocker. I sighed. "Thank you Petrus," I said.

I tip toed to take a peek of what's happening outside before walking out of the building. It will be a havoc situation if they took my picture, going out with Cara. I praised the Lord when the reporters all gone. I'm guessing Jamie did her part.

Petrus hold the car door for me and Cara. "Hello again William," I said as I entered the car. William looked at me through the rear view mirror. "Hello Miss Yasmine," he noticed Cara beside me. "Hello Miss Yasmine's friend," William raised his eyebrow. I mouthed 'stop it' at him. He smiled. "Where shall we go now Miss?" William asked me. I thought of a perfect place where I used to go every day.

"You remember the place I used to go with Natasha and Lucas for food?" I asked William. "Of course Miss," he said and nodded as if understand me, he drive towards the place. I flashed a smile at Cara and she smile back at me. I just wish I could kiss those luscious lips over and over again. Damn mind, stop thinking about that!

I hope she like the place.

Cara's POV

BACON!! She fucking brought me to bacon heaven. I guessed I look like a kid in a candy store because she was trying hard to hold off her laugh. "What?" I asked her pouted. Oh my God, did I just pout at her. "No don't pout. It's just your face look so cute. I hope you like this place. It's my favorite place to have my meals," she said and walked beside me.

We walked to an empty table. A waitress gave us both menus. I look through the menu. This place is not expensive like I thought it would. I was beginning to think she only eat at some expensive restaurant and eating caviar on crackers as desert. After a couple of minutes, the waitress from earlier came to took our orders.

"Hello, my name is Winny. I will be your waitress for today. May I take your order please?" Winny said to both of us. Yasmine motioned me to order first. I nodded. "I would like the special bacon and for drinks I would like to have orange juice please," I said politely. Winny wrote my order and turn to Yasmine.

"Special burger and lemonade for me please," she said and flashed winny the award winning smile. I feel jealous, again! I should stop doing that. She's not even my girlfriend. She's my new boss little sister. Winny smiled, said thank you and winked at Yasmine then walked towards the kitchen. Its official, Winny's a whore. Wow, possessive much, I thought to myself.

"You okay there Cara?" Yasmine asked me. I nodded. She hummed her respond. Awkward silent washed over the situation. "So, when are you going back?" I decided to end the awkwardness. "The day after tomorrow. Why? Will you miss me?" she asked, smirking. 'YES! I WILL MISS YOU! I LOVE YOU!' I said mentally of course.

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