Chapter 6

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Cara's POV

                What a lovely morning. Birds chirped outside of my window, telling me it's going to be a lovely day. I woke up, doing my morning routine like usual. Once in a while, Yasmine will be on my mind. Wondering what she's doing now, is she awake, is she having breakfast. An extravagant breakfast probably. I can't believe a woman who I just met, not well acquainted, making me feel this way.

After done fixing and drying my hair, I walked out of my room and towards the kitchen for breakfast. Consist of cereal and milk, because I haven't been at home for a while. 'What a lovely and healthy breakfast' I said mentally to myself, with a tone of sarcasm.

While eating my lovely cereal, my phone vibrated. Looking at the caller ID, it's Gigi. Wow, she never wakes up this early after a long trip overseas. "Hello Gigi. This is weird, you never wake up early," I laughed. "You didn't heard anything about what happen to the agency?" she asked me, sounded worried. 

"No, what happen?" I asked Gigi. I heard her moving around in the background. "Well, it's going bankrupt. Mona told me that Hannah sold the agency to a new management. I'm going to get you now. There's an emergency meeting regarding it. That include the models," she said, talking too fast for me to catch on.

"What!? What will happen to me? And the others?" I ask, frantically. I am nervous that I might be losing my job. The only job I love. I heard Gigi opened her car door and closed it. "Well, that's why we're going to that meeting today. I'll be there in 20. Get ready before I come," Gigi said and hung up.

Turns out this morning is not lovely, at all.

Yasmine's POV

                My wakeup call consists of being lectured by Natasha because I woke up late. Man! This woman needs a chill pill. Turns out you can't lied to her by phone either. She will recognize your sleepy voice. Now that I'm fully awake, bathed and had my amazing breakfast, I'm in the car where William will send me to this meeting place. I hope no drama happen today.

To think that I have to deal with a modeling agency, just give me a very uneasy feeling. Why cant my sister bought a simple construction company instead. Why it had to be modeling. Why sis why!? Upon arriving at the meeting place, I notice there's a lot of a reporter outside the building. Oh great! I have to deal with monsters.

"William, did you call the bodyguard to be here?" I asked William. He nodded and I gave him a smile. "Good. Oh my God. I hope the reward is worth it," I exclaimed and sighed.

Practicing my stoic face in the car, I can see William trying hard to stifle his laugh. "Real mature William," seconds later we both laughed. "Seriously Miss, you, practicing Miss Natasha expression is funny and really not you," William added and laughed.

"oh and Miss, Miss Natasha said, her exact word ... ," William clear his throat and said "Tell Miss Yasmine to behave or I will make sure she will spend her time beneath my care for the next millennium of her life," William doing her best impression of Natasha.

No way had I let Natasha conquer my life. It's enough she's my boss at work. I sighed and nodded at William. "Good luck Miss. You really need them," William said walked out of the car to my door and opened it for me.

I was just about stepped out from the car when the reporters swarmed around me. With the helped of the bodyguards, I managed to walk through. "Is that Yasmine Christ?!" one of the reporters said. "Yes that's her!" the second reporter said.

I was struggling to walk through. I can smell their body odor, obviously from standing outside too long. All I can say right now is 'YUCK!' One of the reporters tried to yank me out from the protection of my bodyguards. They managed to saves me. But these monsters never quit. I had enough and screamed "DON'T TOUCH ME! YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS!" well nice job Yasmine. You just make it worse.

Petrus, the chief bodyguard put a jacket on my head and quickly moved me to the building entrance. "I'm sorry miss. My man was not paying attention. Are you hurt?" he asked when I'm inside the building. I was about to answered him when a light brown hair woman entered the building. Panting and letting out a long sigh. Beside her, a red head with formal business suit. It's Cara and Gigi or Ginny. I forgot the red head name.

My focused back to Cara, who wore a nice knee high black dress, with red belt hugging her waist, Christian Loubutin platforms heels, light make up that made her blue eye or is it green eye really popped. As if she felt someone was staring at her, she looked up and met my hazel one. I was about to waved when a lady called her.

Such vagina blocker I mentally said. And with that Cara walk towards the elevator. But before she goes in, she smiled at me. That warm smile. I must be smiling like an idiot because Petrus is yelling at me if I'm ok or not. "I'm fine Petrus. Just make sure they won't enter the building. I don't want any of them inside. Cover every entrance outside the building," I said. And he nodded. I was about to walked towards the elevator when someone ......

"HEY COUSIN!" someone yelled behind me and jumped on my back. The bodyguards that were still beside me pulled out their gun and aimed at the person who decide jumped on me. I turned and sighed. "VANESSA! You nearly scared me to death!" I half yelled and motioned the bodyguards to lower their guns. She just smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

"The big bad Yasmine can't handle a 21 year old? Come on, I know you better than this," she said and laughed. I faked gasp. "And does this 21 year old have manners? Where's my proper hug?" I asked. She hugged me tightly. "I miss you Yas! It's been years. Maria did mention you're in London but I was busy and the agency is not in good terms," she said sounded sorry. I hugged back. "Awww. Don't worry, big sis bought the agency. Your career in good hands," I said and patted her head.

Vanessa is Maria's little sister. A model that is very well known for dated famous guys and her party animal features. But, after that entire entire bad ass act, she stills the little innocent Vanessa who always made fun of Lucas, just because they have the same age.

"Well, let's go to the meeting room. I'm dying to know what Natasha planned for this agency futures," Vanessa said, excitedly, grabbing my hand on the process and walked towards the elevator, where Cara just entered. Suddenly I have this urged to asked Vanessa about Cara.

"Ummm. Vanessa, do you know Cara?" I asked her while wait for the elevator to come down. "Of course I do. Why? You have the hots for her?" Vanessa asked me and smirked. She is well aware of my sexuality. "Kinda," I answered nervously. I don't know what happened but I heard the loudest squealed ever in my life.

"OH YASMINE THAT'S GREAT! She's a lovely woman. She's perfect for you!" she said overly excited. I blushed. Deep red blushed. I heard Vanessa coo me. "Shut up Vanessa," I said, embarrassed that she just baby talk me. She clinging on my arms and said "well, let's meet the future Mrs Christ," Vanessa said and we entered the elevator. Vanessa pressed level 15 and the elevator moved up.

Why do I suddenly feel so nervous? I gripped on Vanessa's hand and she gave me a very encouraging smile and squeezed my hand back. "Don't be nervous. The meeting will be well, she will love you when she knows you save her career," Vanessa said. I sighed and nodded.

Woman up Yasmine!!






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