Chapter 12

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Yasmine's POV

I looked at myself once again at the mirror. Nodding at myself, satisfy of what I'm wearing. I choose white polo shirt, black skinny jeans with Dr. Marten's combat boots. I reached over for a comb from my dresser. I decided to let my hair fall freely today. After I feel satisfy with my hair, I knocked on my closet door.

"Cara, I'm going in," I said over the door. I heard a faint 'ok' and entered the room. She was putting on her makeup. "For someone who doesn't dress girly, you have a lot of makeup material," she said to me when she turned, grinning. I laughed at her comment. "Tasha bought all those makeup every month," I said smiling.

I walked towards my sunglasses compartment and searched for my favorite shades. I picked a simple Ray Ban sunglasses and I turned to Cara. "Like I said, you can pick anything you want," I offered. She smiled and showed me her dress.

I looked at her outfit. It's my floral boho chic dress that I never wear. "I'm surprise you have this," she laughed. "Like I said, my sister bought it. She always pressures me to use that girly stuff," she just nodded, checking herself at the mirror once again.

"Are you ready??" I asked her. She nodded and picked her handbag from the closet's dresser. I walked out of the closet first, followed by Cara. I took my wallet that is on my bed and walked out of the room with her.

As we both walking downstairs, she stopped to look at my family portrait picture that hang on the wall. I walked back to her side and introduced my family. "That's mommy and daddy," I pointed at my parents. "That's Ivy and Tasha," I pointed to Natasha and Ivy. "And that's Lucas," I pointed at Lucas.

"Who is Ivy?" Cara asked and turned her head to me. "Ivy is Tasha's late wife. She's the only person who can control Tasha's anger issues. She died two years ago in a car crash," I explained to Cara. She nodded. We continued to walk down the stairs until Fred decided to scare me.

"BOO!" he screamed while jumped in front of me. I lost my balance and fell face down at the end of the stairs. "FRED!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Felicia yelled at her grandson. "I was playin' nana," Fred said innocently he was on verge of crying.

"Yas, are you okay?" Cara asked me worriedly. I sit up, feeling my numb face. "Ow.. my face," I said. "Fred, don't do that! It's not nice of you!" Felicia keeps on yelling at Fred. The little guy is crying. "Hey Felicia, its fine, don't worry. He's just a little boy. Don't yell at him," I said and get up.

"I'm sorry Miss," Felicia said apologetically. "It's ok. Where's William?" I asked her while patting Fred's head. "He's at the garage. Would you like to have breakfast now Miss?" I shook my head. "No. We will have breakfast outside," I said and took Cara's hand.

"Have a good day Miss," I nodded and lead Cara to the garage. Walking through the living room, passing the grand music room and my little gym room, I opened the door towards my garage. "Wow, this house is huge!" Cara gasped at each of the room we passed.

"Nah. You should see my parent's house in LA," I said while tip toed to search for William. I looked my dad's collection as well as mine. My dad and I really like automobile stuff. I noticed my dad's Rolls Royce Ghost, his most prized possession.

Again, I heard Cara gasped beside me. "Do you really need these entire cars? I mean, you can like donate it to charity home or any orphanage rather than spending it like this," Cara said shaking her head disapproving. I laughed at her comment.

Man, this girl really is my type. "Why are you laughing? I mean it's true. Do you know how much money charity, homeless people and any non profitable organization need money to support those unfortunate people?" she said, rather defensively.

"Usually, people will ask me if they can drive these cars. I like that you think about others babe," she blushed when I call her babe. She cleared her throat. "w-ell, yea. We need to help others who in ne-ed," she said a little high pitched.

"I agree with you on that," she smiled. "Good. Because, trust me there's a lot of people needed help," she finished. William walked to us and bid us good morning. "I need a car. I'm driving. Which one is available," I asked William. William looks through the garage.

"Your Enzo is available," William said. I nodded and he gave me the keys. I turned to Cara. "Let's go to breakfast love," I said, grabbing her hand towards my car. I felt jolt of electricity through my body when my hand touched her skins. Cara noticed it too.

She smiled and I smiled back. Its official, I'm crazy about her.

Cara's POV

Yasmine really know how to treat a lady. We currently sitting inside a cute looking café; eating pancake and bacon while the reporters and annoying paparazzi standing outside. Bringing Petrus was a good idea after all. If I didn't insist we will be in a lot of trouble.

"Don't you get in trouble going out with me?" I asked her. She looked up from her plate with furrowed eyebrows, swallowing her pancake. "Trouble?" she asked me sounded confused. "Yes. Trouble. With your family," I explained.

She shook her head and smiled. "Nah, my family is not that strict. As long as I don't do something embarrassing that will tarnish their names, its fine," she said and continued eating her food. Sudden flashed blinded me temporarily. I looked up to see those vultures clicking their camera.

"Sometime these people just annoyed me," I said. Yasmine looked up and smiled at them. Why would she smile? Doesn't she feel she's suffocating? "Why are you smiling at them?" Yasmine turned her head to meet mine. "What will change if you show how moody you are really? So just smile," she said, bringing her hand towards my face and pinch my cheek.

While we were having our playful banter about a game we played, three girls grinned at us, holding a note book and pen. "Umm.. Hi! We are fans of your film and career. Can y-ou sign o-ur b-ook?" one of the girls stuttered. I nodded. I asked their name in the process.

I noticed Yasmine looking dreamily at me, sipping her morning tea. "Are you two a couple? Because we know you are openly bisexual" second girl asked. I smiled, looking at Yasmine. I don't even know what we are actually.

"We are working on it. Who knows, maybe she will be mine in the future," Yasmine answered them. "You look awfully familiar," the third girl said. Yasmine smiled. The first girl gasped. "OH SHIT! You're Yasmine Christ!!" Yasmine snapped her finger. "Yes! The one and only," Petrus came immediately. "Girls, that's enough," Petrus said and lead the girls to the front door.

Yasmine sipped her tea. "So, I'll be going back to LA later," she started. My heart dropped. I really don't want her to go. I feel attached to her. "You really have to go?" I whined. Did I just whine? "Did you just whine?" she asked me, amused by my sudden whining.

I slowly nodded. What's the point of hiding it really? "Awwww.. Babe, I'm sorry. Duty calls. I'll call you every day, text every hour. Except when I'm flying," she said, chuckling. I nodded again. "Oh come on. Don't be sad," she said, reaching for my cheek.

I melt from her simple touch. I love her. I really do. "I will visit soon. Don't worry. My family owns the airlines. I can travel for free," she said. "Okay. But, call me!" I said in my serious tone. "I will hun," she said, kissing my cheek.

Again, the camera flashed. I heard she groaned. "PETRUS!" she yelled. Petrus came, running actually. "Y-es Mi-ss?" did this big muscular guy just stuttered, afraid of a small woman. "Get rid of them! I want to send Miss Delevingne home. Make sure none of them followed us," Yasmine said, almost like her older sister would.

Petrus nodded vigorously and walked to the front. "Like I said before, I will call," Yasmine said, lovingly. I nodded and kissed her lips. Yes! I did. She was surprised herself by my daring action. I pulled away, we both panted from our mini make out session.

"I love you. Come back soon," I said. And she nodded. "Believe me, I will Cara," ......





Fly High (Completed) (GirlxGirl) (FanFiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें