seventeen; jack

252 11 14

jack's pov

it's been a week, me and mark had been doing good so far in a relationship, it was like we were still close friends but adding the kissing and the couple things, i had never been with anyone in my life...except signe...she was my girlfriend for about a month, but we never really had the connection like me and mark had.

so, i was a nervous idiot in this relationship...

we hung out in his room my head laying on his shoulder, we weren't playing games, or watching movies just talking, and it felt good, we talked about our pasts i learned a lot about him and i felt bad, he lost his father when he was growing up i can imagine that happening my dad walked out on me and had a new family.

he wants nothing to do with me and my sister...

i kissed his cheek, and he giggled, "your so cute!" i laughed nudging him, "guilty as charged huh?" he smirked at me and i laugh as i kiss his lips, "so babe want to go on our date?" mark sits up so he can look at me "sean mcloughlin are you asking me out on our first official date?" he gasps joking a little, "maybbeee..." i laugh as i push him away from me.

"so, when do you wanna go out?" he questions.

"maybe friday, you free?" i ask him.

"pick me up at 8!" he smiles at me and i laugh considering we live in the same house, i put my head on his shoulder, "god...i can't believe the year is almost over!" i sigh knowing what came next.

"yeah, college is coming up soon." mark sighs, i nod my head as i look over at him, "so, chosen one yet?" i ask as he takes a deep breath and turns to look at me, "my mom thinks i should go to the university of cincinnati..." i stare at him blankly.

"c-cincinnati...? that's so far!" i yell as he grabs my hand intertwining are fingers trying to calm me, "yeah i know it is, but it has a great education, and you know how much i want to be engineer!" i feel like my heart broke right there and then.

"hey...hey...none of this is happening right still got me okay?" mark asks as he runs his hand through my hair his other hand intertwined with mine, "fine...but its coming soon." i sigh as i lay my head on his chest.

i pick my head up and kiss him slowly getting the tension up between us, things started to get heated when i started kissing his neck earning a slight moan from him, which turned me on, "hey you two-! oh!" i heard a pitch voice yelp, as i looked up to see wade looking at us shocked.

"where you about to do the ol' touchy, touchy feely, feely...?" wade mumbled.

"wade!" i shouted blushing madly.

"s-sorry! i didn't-know y-you-..!" wade stepped back and mark sat up i could see the red on his face, "w-we weren't doing anything..." mark said as firm as he could, "y-yeah, it wasn't what you thought.." i rubbed the back of my neck as i hopped out of mark's bed and walked out noticing dan next to phil with his head on his shoulder.

"hey." phil smiled, honestly they were adorable together.

mark walked over opening the cupboards, getting out the cake batter, as i ran over and screamed; "cake!!" mark covered his ears groaning, "no one in 99 acres can hear anymore!" he smirked and i slapped his arm, "shut up." i snapped.

"okay, whatever! get me the eggs, my mom has this party tomorrow and i'm making the cake which means no touchy the cake!" mark pushes the hair out of my eyes, kissing my cheek, "oh come on!" i sighed as he gently lifted my chin, "i'll make you some cookies... baby." he smiles and i smile taking his face kissing him, "see, this is one of the reasons why i love you!" i pull away as he kisses the top of my head.

mark was the most caring and sweetest boyfriend you could ever have!

am i right?

i handed him the eggs, and he cracked them as we delt with wade's loud yelling in the back room, phil whispering things in dan's ear, then wade walked back into the kitchen, mark washed off the cake batter from his hands as he turned to me, "everything okay?" wade shakes his head sighing, "me and molly are into it again... its just not the same." wade plops on the couch, dan and phil just listening to our conversations.

"long distance relationships are super hard, that's why i'm never in one.." mark licks the batter off the wooden spoon, "yeah, i'd only do that if i really loved that someone.." i gave mark's hand a little squeeze.

we both smiled at each other, as i blushed and put my head down, "like how i love mark." i said.

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