four; jack

365 17 2

jacks pov

i was in class wanting to actually pay attention to the teacher's lecture about the project but i really couldn't focus on much of anything mark had noticed it as well, my stomach felt like a million butterflies exploded, it was such a weird feeling but i started to feel uneasy, and then i felt sick.

i raised my hand and the teacher looked at me, "c-can i go to the nurses? i feel sick to my stomach..." i spoke with my voice cracking between words, he wrote me a pass and as i stood up and went to run out i felt mark grab my hand and the feeling grew stronger, "hey you okay?" i pulled my hand away and i ran out.

i was breathing a little and the feeling subsided, as soon as i was out of there, what was that?! my heart was beating fast, and i felt like i wanted to throw up, i really shouldn't of ate today, that had to be it right?

i walked the halls in silence the feeling went away and i was finally feeling better, i heard the bell ring and my next class was lunch, i went to my locker seeing felix stare at me like a wild animal who wanted to rip my intestines out and eat them, i soon walked away feeling safer as i walked into the cafeteria and took a seat at my table, alone to be specific.

i looked over at the popular table, all sorts of kids were there, wade the push over and bob the king of the wear cats apparently, dan and phil the cute british power couple of the whole school basically, then there was mark, the feeling i had came back and clutched onto my stomach as he walked over and sat down next to me making it worse.

"hey buddy, was there something going on in class this morning?"

"look mark i really don't feel good! j-just give me a moment." i got up and walked out really fast, but i thought about this... every time i got this feeling it was because of mark, like i was sitting next to him in class today.

but why was it because of him?

i walked to the bathroom and splashed water on my face and i threw up at that point, mark kept swirling in my head and it was making me unbelievably sick.

i passed out hitting my head on the floor and soon waking up hearing the bell ring i rubbed the back of my head and stood up, gaining my balance, the feeling was gone and my head hurt like crazy, i walked through the halls as i checked my schedule next was eighth period and of course no one noticed i was sick or not in classes except for one person, mark.

my heart began beating fast and the feelings kept returning, i bit my lip and went to fall when i felt arms hold me up, "whoa careful!" he spoke and i looked at him, it was mark. he smiled at me and i felt like my face was on fire, why was i blushing... i felt myself get sick to my stomach, again.

the next thing i know i passed out in his arms finally, in years getting everyone's attention.

— skip -

i was in my bed at home my mom was talking to someone behind the door, and mark just fluttered into my mind, this feeling wasn't going to end now, was it? the door opened and my mom looked at me with a glare and then my heart stopped with who walked in next.

why does mark have to be here?!

oh... fuck me.

i blushed and looked down covering my face and my mom noticed that, "dude, thank god your okay!" he said letting out a deep breath, "i was so worried! if you were sick you could have stayed home with my mom." mark told me and then smiled, "y-you were worried?" i asked still blushing deeply he was gonna notice but hopefully he wouldn't, too late.. "gosh, i don't think you should come to school tomorrow your face is beat red!" he said and sat down next to me.

"alright mark, he seems fine you can go now." my mother spook in her kindest voice, mark nodded and wrapped his arms around me, burying his head into my shoulder hugging me tightly, i just sat there paralyzed my hands wouldn't touch his back, i hesitated for a while, his warmth actually calmed everything down except the feeling in my stomach, i hugged him back, it was quick but great, he stood up smiling at me caring like and walked out of room as my mother shut the door growling.

"what the hell was that about?" she growled cracking her knuckles, "what?" she looked at me with pure hate, "you were blushing! who was that boy!? and why was he so concerned?!" she screamed and i took a deep breath, "i wasn't blushing im sick, something you would know about going to those strip clubs every damn night! who cares who he is! he's my friend, and he was concerned, so fuck you!" i yelled at her back, this was basically what are relationship was..

she slapped me a crossed the face, so hard that it stung for hours, "don't you ever dare say that to me again sean mcloughlin!" she slapped me again and again and stomped to my door stopping to say "stay in here for the rest of the night! and no dinner for a week!" she then slammed the door and i touched my cheek feeling it burn, but yet i smiled.

mark cares...

but yeah, my mom was a bitch. she treated us like crap and other people like they shouldn't exist, but she wasn't going to treat mark like that, or it is going to be the end for her.

i grabbed my phone off the charger and saw a new message.

hey jackieboy! i hope you feel better :)

jackieboy? .
that must be my new nickname..

i bit my lip and blushed again pulling the covers over my head and freaking out like a fan girl would after they see justin timberlake or something like that.

there was no doubt...

on that feeling...

or on my mind...

i accepted this...

but it was going to be hard to hide...

i like mark.

𝘽𝙍𝙊𝙆𝙀𝙉; 𝙎𝙀𝙋𝙏𝙄𝙋𝙇𝙄𝙀𝙍 ☻ Where stories live. Discover now